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Lab 5



Designing the components for mole mash we used a canvas, an image sprite, sounds, a hits and misses label, horizontal arrangment, a reset button and a clock component. Each of these components has a specific role that we need in order to succesfully create mole mash. The canvas is being used as the mole mash playing field, the image sprite will display the picture, move around and sense when the mole is touched. The horizontal arrangments is being used for positioning the hits and misses labels. The reset button resests the number of hits and misses and the clock component allows the mole to move once per second. We then placed te action components also adding behaviors to these components. After succesfully completing these steps the mole will pop up at random locations on the screen, moving at a rate of once per second. When the mole is being touched the phone will vibrate and the hits label will increase, missing the mole but touching the screem will also increase the misses label. To begin the game from the begining you can simply hit the reset button.


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