Lecture, Week 10

In addition the Google Drive folder detailed in this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment below, you should create a second Google Doc within that shared folder that you will use for writing your Research Report. It can also be used to collect your notes, research, and reference entries. Be sure to document all of your research so that quotes are properly quoted and given parenthetical citations and a bibliographic entry in APA format is added to the References list at the end. You can copy the following outline into this document as a guide for the general layout of your Research Report:

Introduction (topic and why your report is important) 

Objectives of the research (what were you attempting to do?) 

Method (methodology–what kinds of research did you do, how did you do it, and why is the research sound?) 

Results (what did you find in your research? facts, quotes, figures, interviews, surveys, etc.) 

Discussion (how do you interpret your results? what story does your data tell us? results and discussion can be combined, but title this section appropriately if you do so) 

Conclusions (what conclusions do you draw from your results and discussion? what is the significance of what you discovered?) 

Recommendations (what do you think should be done to solve the research problem based on your research? this section is what all of your work is leading up to.)


Also, here are some resources and examples that I discussed in this week’s lecture to help you with writing and designing your analytical research report.

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