Expanded Definition of Protection

To: Prof. Jason Ellis
From: Roshel Babayev
Date: 10/26/2021
Subject: Expanded Definition of Protection


I’m writing to elaborate on the definition of the word protection. Protection is a very valuable thing in today’s day and we must understand where it came from and how it works. There will also be valuable examples of how it is used via real world examples and the main purpose of protection. Following will be discussed the context in which it is most commonly used in the use case of computer security.


The generic definition of the word protection is to stop something but that’s not how it’s classified everywhere. Merriam webster defines this word as “to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage, or destruction : GUARD” [1] while others define it as “the action of protecting”. This word has been around since the beginning of time but in many different forms either being utilized as a means to define protection for a person or today where we use it as a means to describe computer security. The article provides some additional insight on the word “Historically, software protection first appeared as (often feeble) attempts at adding license-checking code to computer games, followed by algorithms for white-box cryptography used for digital-media piracy protection” [3]. Protection has shifted from initially being used in real world situations to digital scenarios as the world gradually moves into the digital age. While protection does have the same meaning behind its definition, the use case in which the definition is applied does in fact change.


Security has always been an issue when it comes to software. Most software developers may not even know this but as they proceed in their development process, some vulnerabilities may be in place. A good way to hide these issues is to prevent others from seeing how the code works and functions as a whole. As long as the software is utilized in its intentional manner, there are no real issues to worry about. But there are always people who seek to break and destroy for their own reasons and for these purposes, protection for software was created. Not only doe protection prevents piracy of software, it also attempts to prevent others from reversing it and discovering vulnerabilities within it. Malicious users often times use these methods as a means to gain access to other people’s systems via a vulnerability they never even knew about.
There are many ways to protect a piece of software. There are means through tamper-proof the software which allows software to verify its own integrity to prevent any sort of unauthorized modification from occurring which can lead to malicious purposes for either reversing of said software or preventing hijacked software from executing. Watermarking is also a possibility to keep your software out of the wrong hands so that if it ever does get publicly exposed, you’ll know where the origin came from and you can handle the problem and prevent it from happening again. There are many methods that you can use to ensure software security via protection but protection has multiple uses either for anti-piracy means or for preventing reversing for malicious purposes. Using software protection may be expensive at times but more than often the cost of security provided by such services is just worth it.
Some people decide to store valuable information within their software such as including a login to their remote server to perform some action on user login or other events. This login is shipped to everyone who obtains access to this software and nothing is really stopping them from just obtaining this login especially when more than often, it’s stored in plain text. Using software protection ensures that even if someone has your software, it protects valuable pieces of information such as this. In practical usage this is obviously a terrible idea to ship software with such valuable information but things like this do happen quite often in the real development world.

Working Definition

A software developer should always be aware of any and all issues that may arise from their code. As a secondary means to prevent any sort of malicious execution, applying protection to your code will ensure an additional level of security as the malicious user will first need to get passed that layer of protection before having the chance at manipulating your code. Protection comes in many forms and there are many ways to protect but in the end, it’s a never ending war.


[1] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/protection
[2] https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/protection
[3] Falcarin, Paolo et al. “Software Protection.” IEEE software 28.2 (2011): 24–27.

Expanded Definition of Malware

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: DeAndre Badresingh
DATE: 10/27/2021
SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Malware


The purpose of this document is to discuss the expanded definition of my term malware. The term that I will be defining is malware in which I will discuss the previous definition and current usage of this term. In addition, I will be giving examples of how malware was used before and after updated definitions. After discussing this, I plan to divide the history of the word into different sections while also providing different ways this term was used. For example, in chronological order starting from the earliest date, I will quote how the word was defined and how the word was implemented when being discussed. Finally, towards the end I will discuss the definition but in my own way to describe it to individuals who are not so familiar with the use of this word. 


            The history of malware goes back to as far back as the early 1970s. As the years progressed, this term has changed to mean different things yet still have the same concept. In an article that discusses the previous history of malware, there were several definitions that were used to identify this word. One of which included, “An experiment designed to test how a program might move between computers.” [1] Back then, as shown in this quote, malware was once used as an experiment to see how different programs on a device interact with each other. However, moving on to the mid-1970s, the definition for the word had been more inclusive to what it really is. It was then described as “A self-replicating program that made multiple copies of itself on a computer until it bogs down the system to such an extent that system performance is reduced and eventually crashes.” [1] These definitions are both similar to one another in the sense that they both describe how malware is incorporated inside a system. However, the way in which it was implemented was vastly different from one another. 


            While there have been many versions of malware, the way how it is constructed varies. For example, the earliest definition of malware described it as an “experiment” while a more recent definition defines it as “Programs written with the intent of being disruptive or damaging to (the user of) a computer or other electronic device; viruses, worms, spyware, etc., collectively.” [3] The way how they would be used in sentences would be based on their definitions. Early definition sentences describe it as, “Malware authors disguised one of the earliest Trojans as a popular shareware program called “PC-Writer.” Once on a system, it would erase all of a user’s files.” Another most recent way malware would be used in sentences would involve, “Malware can assume many forms, from standard computer viruses to spyware and adware. Individuals may even choose to install malicious software because the malware masquerades as a beneficial program or application. Malware can cause catastrophic damage to a computer’s software, The damage malware can do to privacy may not be as obvious but it is equally, if not more, detrimental.” [2] The way how these sentences would relate to each other is that they all show how malware interacts and causes damage to its host. As explained in the quote, malware is extremely dangerous and sometimes presents itself as unpredictable.

Working Definition

            Based on the definitions from as early as the 1970s and from more recent definitions, they are all similar in the sense of how the word is actually used. That being said, a working definition for malware would be a software, file, or other content on a system that has the potential to cause substantial damage. Some instances of this includes viruses, phishing, ransomware, denial-of-service, spyware, man-in-the-middle, zero-day, attack replication vectors, and much more. All of these forms of disruption all fall under the branch of malware which makes defining this term very vague. As described by this article, “Today, malware is no longer confined to individuals acting alone on the Internet, nor is it as easy to detect, even for the most perceptive computer users.” [2] Hence, we have seen the progression of malware origin from being just an experiment, to being more specified to various types like trojans, to worm infections that can be undetected. Nonetheless, the origins of malware and how it is described now is very similar to each other. In conclusion, you must always remember that malware is made by humans and we cannot satisfy everyone. So, you can always defend yourself against malware attacks.   


[1] P. by J. Love and J. Love, “A brief history of malware-its evolution and impact,” Lastline, 19-Sep-2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.lastline.com/blog/history-of-malware-its-evolution-and-impact/.

[2] Baker, A. (2015) ‘Malware’ in Anglim, C.T., ed., Privacy Rights in the Digital Age, Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing, 339-342, Available: https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX6403900139/GVRL?u=cuny_nytc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=ccefd7de

[3] â€śMalware, in Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed, Oxford University Press, Dec. 2006, def.1 Available: https://www.oed.com

Expanded Definition of Digital

TO:                         Prof. Ellis
FROM:                  Shuaixiang Feng
DATE:                    10/25/2021
SUBJECT:              Expanded Definition Term: Digital, Final Draft


The purpose of the Word Expanded Definition Term memo is to focus a term on its etymology and historical development, looking for the inconsistent meaning and how it uses in a different area. Digital is the word I have chosen for the Word Expanded Definition Term project. This paper will discuss digital in two different working areas and how this term defines the meaning of those two kinds of audiences—also contrasting the definition in different timelines to investigate how its context changes.


Digital can define as “Chiefly humorous. Any of the fingers (including the thumb) of the hand.” [1] This etymology was around the 1300s. In human history, people like to use their fingers as a calculator. People are familiar with defining digital as their fingers of the hand. Another definition has its distinct vision. Digital is “composed of data in the form of especially binary digits.” [2] Digital has become a concept that is using in the computing area. Currently, the development technology can observe digits, but in the past, people could only use their fingers to represent the whole number between one to nine. While people used their fingers to count one to nine, that was the origin of Math and Algorithm. Every number we knew started from understood the finger of our hands. From first-person definite and use this term as meaning to 2021, the definition of digital is increasing and updating. However, the digital, composed of data and binary digits, is still a Math and Algorithm.


Following Fraser’s magazine for town and country, “Hundreds of thousands vanish at the touch of royal digitals,” [3] by James Fraser. The word digital is used as a noun in this sentence. “At the touch of royal digitals’, where people used to touch something? So digital represent a hand from Britain, which means the power of Britain eliminated thousands of people in Fraser. In so many countries, military power is loyal to the king or noble for protecting their life and property. So, they control their military power like controlling their hand because no media and others can affect the military.

Another author states his point of view on the word digital. “In today’s digital age, technology has a firm grasp on practically every aspect of human life; consequently, there is growing cross-sector demand to help individuals build digital competencies such as digital literacy, digital skills, and digital readiness.” [4] Over here, digital uses as an adjective and means any composed of the data item. The author states that the word digital means an electronic product composed of data, and binary digits are essential today. Electronic products are increasing numerous amounts in many industries. No digital industry is decreasing, which makes authors wondering is it require to help the employee build digital literacy, digital skills, and digital readiness. As we know, a considerable number of elders are working in many industries. They are still using the old cell phone, which can only take a call and send mail. Suppose a company is not wanting to quit those experienced employees. Those companies require to update or rebuild the digital knowledge of those elders.

Working Definition

Currently, in CST, digital is always used as an adjective and surrounds every people work in CST. Every product has a screen and OS that can call as digital items such as smartphones or laptops because every byte in the program and OS are all meaning data. So, all electronic products can definite as digital. Following the technology development, Artificial Intelligence may join in with some industries; computer science technology is the possible area that Artificial Intelligence joined. Artificial Intelligence looks much different from other electronic products, and it has intelligence. However, Artificial Intelligence is still defined as digital because AI is a program made by data. That is why Artificial Intelligence can call as a digital item. As programmer uses computer language to establish and create more new technology, the word is becoming more digital.


[1] “digital, n. and adj.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, September 2021, www.oed.com/view/Entry/52611. Accessed 4 October 2021.

[2] “Digital.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/digital. Accessed 4 Oct. 2021.

[3] James Fraser,” Fraser’s magazine for town and country.” Fraser’s Mag. 22 397, 1830

[4] “IEEE Standard for Digital Intelligence (DQ)–Framework for Digital Literacy, Skills, and Readiness,” in IEEE Std 3527.1-2020 , vol., no., pp.1-47, 15 Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2021.9321783.

Lecture, Week 7

To help with this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment below, study and make notes on the commonalities between the instruction manuals discussed in last week’s class.

Sample Instruction Manuals

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 7

Watch and take notes on this week’s lecture before proceeding.

Write a memo to Prof. Ellis that presents a basic numbered, process list for your Instruction Manual.

Write as much as needed to show the process in your instruction manual.

However, this is a draft–you may add, subtract, and change as needed later.

Include notes about what images to include with each step as appropriate (think of WOVEN).

We will look at the other components of your Instruction Manual next week. 

Copy-and-paste your memo into a comment made to this post on our OpenLab Course Site.

500-word Summary on technological innovative methods as a tool for socio-economic development

Name: Shemei John
To: Professor Ellis
Date: September 22, 2021

Subject: 500-word Summary on technological innovative methods as a tool for socio-economic development

Below is a summarized essay on an article about the importance of prioritizing and utilizing informational technology services. The authors, who have also conducted research, argued that innovation in technology correlated to education and educators has been proven to be beneficial. Several authors in the article like, Turkot T.I., “Innovative education is an industry that is constantly updated with knowledge, technologies, teaching aids, organizational and managerial approaches.”[1, p.107] share the same views on the matter.

Information Technology has proven the beneficial use of its existence in each and every sector of our society. Through the sharing of information, technology is even more important for distant learning hence the pros. The pros of distant learning are beneficial in that it challenges the individual to grow and mature by learning differently from the classroom by use of technology and this is innovation. Since learning is based on the whole premise of information, we benefit greatly from using technology in our homes, schools and workplace environments. It is imperative for technological literacy to become standard criteria for anyone, while being self-taught/Self-reliance is the greatest tool to learn anything, being computer literate is evidently important since by using these mediums they become an essential tool.

However, some areas of the debate, needs further investigation which is the only con to the matter. Nevertheless, innovation in technology and its use in education works hand-in-hand with educators and students who are technologically literate. Even though they are a lot of pros for these new innovative technological methods, keeping the old methods are still beneficial to our society.

A great example of technological innovation that has positively affected the way we educate and learn is the internet. Never has teaching and learning been more successful than it is today because of the rise and use of technology like our internet. Not having the right or no technological support can hinder or put most institutions in a deficit. The goal is to improve and progress, not just to solve today’s problems, but also solve potentially future problems. Innovation in technology can help us achieve this goal faster, competently and effectively, and it is progress. Innovative education is like a nuance that will grow and changes with the changing world.

If a state’s success if determines by how technological innovative a society can be, then the same can be said about the technological innovation of our education. Research is currently being done to determine better ways to motivate educators towards technological literacy. Independent individual work, by use of information technology, has proven beneficial through a group of students who were given asynchronous work. The necessity of computers and the use of information technology in teaching and educational purpose is imperative in today’s times. Every professional should possess foundational principals and skill-set of technological communication and informational technologies. Our technological advances may have modernized society but the most influential effect is, as of recent, the advantages of distant learning and tele-working, which prove how important it is for education to be technological innovative, and why information technology services should prioritize education on its service list.  


[1]     V., Nemchenkol, G., Pchelianska, T., Markova, O., Volodina, “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE USE OF INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS – AS A TOOL FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.” Academic Search complete (EBSCO) on     Food Industry Economics. 2021, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p105-111. 7p.

Lecture, Week 6

After watching this week’s lecture, watch for Prof. Ellis’ email to your team to begin peer review on your Expanded Definition project. Use the model below for your Expanded Definition memo. Remember to copy-and-paste your completed memo draft into your “Reply-All” email to your team along with your ask-and-offer.

TO:         Prof. Jason Ellis
FROM:     Your Name
DATE:         Due Date
SUBJECT:     Expanded Definition of Your Term

Introduction [Heading Level 2]
What is the purpose of this document? What term are you defining? How are you discussing the way it is defined and the way it is used in context? Describe a road map for what follows (definitions and context). This content should be published as paragraphs, unlike the heading for this section, which is a level 2 heading.

Definitions [Heading Level 2]
Compare and contrast at least two quoted definitions from different sources of the term that you selected. Provide quotes and IEEE in-text citations for each definition, and include your sources in the References section at the end of the document. Each definition that you include deserves discussion in your words about what it means and how it relates to the other definitions that you include. Consider how they are alike, how are they different, who might use one versus another, etc. And, as a part of your compare and contrast, discuss the etymology or history of the word (e.g., one definition might be more like what the word meant originally or more recently). Each quote should have an IEEE in-text citation and reference entry.

Context [Heading Level 2]
Compare and contrast at least two sentences that use the term as it appears in different sources. This discussion should focus on how the context of the word shapes its meaning. A range of sources would provide the best source material for your discussion of how the term is used in these contexts. For example, a quote from an academic journal, a quote from a newspaper or magazine, a quote from a blog, and a quote from social media would give you a range of uses that might have different audiences. For each quote, you should devote at least as much space as the quote discussing what it means in that context and how it relates to the other quotes in context. Each quote should have an IEEE in-text citation and reference entry. 

Here’s a quote example from The New York Times: Technology Opinion Writer Kara Swisher wrote about the bombshell allegations made by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen in a television interview: “Everything the former product manager on Facebook’s dispersed/disbanded (depending on whom you believe) Civic Integrity team said in her interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday rang true, including her allegations that the company’s algorithm is a wildfire that feeds on rancor and that the company always chooses its business over safety” [3]. The use of the term algorithm here refers to how Facebook surfaces certain content and submerges other content on a given Facebook user’s feed. 

Another quote example from a book on optimizing Rust language programming applications: While Swisher uses the term algorithm to refer to a specific decision-making technology at Facebook, Moraza uses it in a more general way where he writes: “You will also understand the difference between the common standard library collections so that you can choose the right one for your algorithm” [4, p. 1]. Algorithm here refers to the programming code that the reader of Moraza’s book is developing using the Rust programming language. Any computer code that is performing a process would qualify as an algorithm in this context while Swisher’s use of the term algorithm referred to a specific algorithm developed and used by a specific company.

Working Definition [Heading Level 2]
Based on the definitions and word history that you quoted and discussed, and the contextual uses of the term that you quoted and discussed, write a working definition of the term that's relevant to your career field or major, which you will need to identify (this is the specific context for your working definition).

References [Heading Level 2]
Order your IEEE references in the order that they appear in your document. The first would be [1], the second would be [2], etc.

[1]    "Algorithm," in Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ. Press, Mar. 2012, def. 2. [Online]. Available: https://www.oed.com
[2]    “Algorithm,” in Science and Technology Encyclopedia, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000. [Online]. Available: https://archive.org/details/sciencetechnolog00univ/mode/2up 

[3]      K. Swisher, "Brazen is the order of the day at Facebook," The New York Times, Oct. 5, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/opinion/facebook-blackout-2021.html

[4]      I. E. Moraza, Rust High Performance: Learn to Skyrocket the Performance of Your Rust Applications. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2018. [Online]. Available: ProQuest Ebook Central.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 6

After watching this week’s lecture, begin thinking about what tasks and processes would be appropriate and interesting for you to write an instruction manual on for the next individual project. Possible instruction manuals should focus on your degree and career goals so that you create something relevant to your training and illustrative of your communication skills.

For this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, write a 250-word memo addressed to Prof. Ellis with the subject line of “Instruction Manual Topic Selection.” In the body of your memo, discuss the pros and cons of three possible instruction manual topics and state which one you choose to work on for the project. Copy-and-paste your memo into a comment made to this post.

To aid in your thinking, review the links below for sample instruction manuals, and see a sample instruction manual outline at the bottom of this post.

Sample Instruction Manuals

Sample Instruction Manual Organization

1.0    Introduction
1.1    Purpose
1.2    Intended Audience
1.3    Scope
1.4    Organization Description
1.5    Conventions (abbreviations, left/right)
1.6    Motivation (answers the “so what” question)
1.7    Safety and Disclaimers
2.0    Description of the Equipment
2.1    Illustration of the Equipment
2.2    Description of the Equipment’s Parts
3.0    List of Materials and Equipment Needed
3.1    Illustration of the Parts Needed to Carry Out the Instructions
3.2    Tools needed
3.3    Table of the parts with description of each
4.0    Directions
4.1    Assemble the Skateboard
4.1.1    Step 1 (don’t write Step 1--write a brief statement on what the first step is)
4.1.2    Step 2
4.1.3    Step 3...Step n (write as many steps--briefly--as you can think of--you can fill this list out later)
5.0    Troubleshooting
6.0    Glossary
7.0    Reference List

500-Word Summary of Article About Big Data in Cloud Computing

TO:           Prof.  Ellis

FROM:     Norbert Derylo

DATE:     Oct 6, 2021

SUBJECT:     500-Word Summary of Article About Big Data in Cloud Computing

A major challenge of working with big data is using cloud computing. Cloud computing provides many benefits that can help with big data. The study focuses on the various interactions between cloud computing and big data. 

Big data is data that is difficult to store due to its volume and variety. In the article big data is defined as “a new generation of technologies and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data, by enabling the high velocity capture, discovery, and/or analysis.” Big data can be described with four metrics: volume, variety, velocity, value. Big data can also be classified by five aspects: data sources, content format, data stores, data staging, data processing.  Each classification of data has its own characteristics and complexities. 

Cloud computing is the next generation of computing in professional settings. Cloud computing has many advantages over current computing methods. The increased popularity of wireless devices has allowed cloud computing to become extremely useful. Cloud computing and big data work hand-in-hand, cloud computing being the base on which big data thrives and expands. Due to the variety of big data, different forms of cloud computing will not work for all forms of big data. 

The two sets of data on the relationship between big data and cloud computing come from scholarly sources and the different vendors of cloud computing. Case studies from different vendors demonstrate the extensive variety of research that uses cloud computing. Swift Key used cloud computing to scale its services for demand. 343 Industries used cloud computing to make their game more enjoyable. redBus used cloud computing to improve customer service for online bus ticketing. Nokia used cloud computing to process petabytes of data from their phone network. Alacer used cloud computing to improve response times to system outages. Scholar studies also used cloud computing for big data projects. Scholars studying DNA have used cloud computing to dramatically increase the speed at which they analyze DNA sequences. A case study showed that cloud computing can acquire and analyze extremely large data sources, for example data from social media. A study of microscopic images used cloud computing to submit data processing jobs to the cloud. A study used cloud computing to show that you can use cloud computing as a backup to massive failures of other computing services. 

Data integrity is a data security concern and can be a concern in cloud computing as well. Transforming big data for analysis is a challenge and one of the reasons big data is not as popular as it should be. Data quality can be quite variable and cause concerns with big data. Big data allows for various different sources of data which might not follow the same structure. Privacy is also one of the biggest concerns of cloud storage. Encryption is the most popular way to keep cloud data safe. Data that is encrypted is not scalable and the computation time used for it is not practical for big data. Another possible solution is using algorithms to determine how to give out data to prevent leaks. Although studies have addressed multiple issues with cloud computing, there are few tools that can patch up the problems. Data staging is an issue involving the various different formats big data collects. There have been solutions to improve distributed storage systems, however they dont fix all the problems with optimization and accessibility. The current algorithms from data analysis are too unoptimized for the scalability of big data. Data security still and always will be an ongoing problem in cloud computing and big data. 
[1]Hashem, I.  A.  T. , Yaqoob, I. , Anuar, N.  B. , Mokhtar, S. , Gani, A. , & Ullah Khan, S.  “The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues.  Information Systems” Information Systems.  2015 Vol.  47, p98–115.  https://doi. org/10. 1016/j. is. 2014. 07. 006

500-Word Summary of “A computer program for simulating time travel and a possible ‘solution’ for the grandfather paradox”

TO:                  Professor Ellis
FROM:            Sebastian Vela
DATE:             October 8, 2021
SUBJECT:       500-Word Summary of “A computer program for simulating time travel and a possible ‘solution’ for the grandfather paradox”

The following is a 500-word summary of a master’s thesis about a program that simulates the grandfather paradox. The paradox explains that if a time traveler had gone back in time to kill his grandfather, then he would not have been born to travel back in time, thus allowing the grandfather to live and for the time traveler to be born. The program written by Doron Friedman uses automated reasoning to “modify” history and explore the consequences and propose possible solutions.

The actions and constraints in the simulation are labeled with the values “True”, “False”, or “Unknown”. For every person in the simulation, these values indicate whether the person is alive or not. The timeline of events can be changed by adding or removing actions in the simulation. A strong change is made when something that happened is changed, rather than adding actions. With each new event, the previous timeline is not erased. Instead, the program knows the consequences of the first timeline, and then sees the consequences of the second timeline.

A few hundred facts and constraints are included, with the paradox “solution” containing 229 facts and 344 constraints. Only 3 actions exist in each simulation: begetting, killing, and traveling in time (which is split into “depart” and “arrive”, with preconditions existing that for A to kill B, both must initially be alive, and B not being alive as the post-condition. The constraints “remains” and “appears” are introduced for continuity-of-existence.

The simulation is taken from the point of view of the time traveler, defined as S, and his actions toward his parent, F. The first action is the that F has a child, S. The system is aware of F needing to exist to beget S. Then, S travels back in time to kill F, creating the paradox and the system reports a logical contradiction. The proposed solution to repair this paradox is that S has a clone S1. They are two separate entities, so the contradiction is resolved, but they retain the same identity. Thus, S goes back in time and creates a clone that kills F. This also reports a contradiction: “The user (clone S1) kills his parent F; this introduces the parent paradox and, indeed, our reasoning engine reports a contradiction: F is supposed to be dead because he was killed, but he is also supposed to be alive to beget S” [1, p. 10].

The solution that follows is not as elegant as the researchers would like. “F gives birth to S and goes back in time. S, right after being born, goes back in time as well, and kills his parent F. Right after killing his parent, though, S (actually the clone, S1) gives birth to him. In this solution, therefore, S is F’s son, F’s father, and F’s killer” [2, p. 12]. A much more simplified solution to the paradox is given by having the system not assume any actions by the time traveler. “F travels to the future, begets S, and travels back just in time to be killed by a clone of S who also went back in time” [3, p. 12].


[1]     D. Friedman, “A computer program for simulating time travel and a possible ‘solution’ for the grandfather paradox,” arxiv.org. [Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1609/1609.08470.pdf