Summary of Sun, W., Cai, Z., Li, Y., Liu, F., Fang, S., & Wang, G. “Security and Privacy in the Medical Internet of Things: A Review. Security & Communication Networks”

TO: Professor Ellis

FROM: Adewale R. Adeyemi

DATE: 09/14/2020

SUBJECT: 500-word summary draft

“This is a memo for my 500-word summary of the article “Security and Privacy in the Medical Internet of Things”

Medical internet of things (MIoT) is a group of devices that can connect to the internet and monitor patient vital signs through wearable and implantable devices. It has been an efficient new technology for the healthcare system. It’s made up of the perception layer which collects vital data through wearables, the network layer which transmits the data collected the perception layer and the application layer which provides the interface needed by the users and also integrates the information from the other two layers.

As MIoT is been made use of extensively by more patients, security and privacy of these patient’s data cannot be taken for granted. This is also paramount to its success. Due to the amount of real-time data MIoT transmits, it is important to provide enough resources to protect patient’s security and privacy. Below is the 4 security and privacy recommendation. Data integrity, usability, auditing, and patient information are all recommendations that deal with how patient sensitive data is access and stored. Most MIoT devices have very low memory and the data that has been collected needs to be stored. cloud storage is currently been used and it as some existing solution to security and privacy requirements. Encryption: through cryptography is implemented at three levels of communication, link, node, and end-to-end encryption. Node is the most secure of the three because it does not all data transmission on plain text in the network node. Securing patient data is important but less complex algorithm needs to be utilized to reduce resources usage and have a fast transmission rate. A key transfer managed has been proposed to help tackle this problem. Authors claim, “To secure e-health communications, key management protocols play a vital role in the security process.” (Sun, Cai, Li, Liu, Wang, Fang, 2018, P 3). A lightweight key management that is strong and uses less resources is being used while a lightweight algorithms and encryption based on the problems the healthcare system is facing is being improved upon. Access control is another solution that authenticates users based on set policies to authenticate the user trying access sensitive data and it is important because patient data are shared electronically. Third party auditing is another solution. Since patient’s data are stored in the cloud, the service provider needs to be audited to know if their practices are ethical. Data anonymization is another solution which consists of sensitive patient data and identifier. K-anonymity is current being used it has it flaws which is being improved on. As technology advances, future security, and privacy challenges in MIoT will arise. Among them is insecure network (WIFI) which can be vulnerable to man in the middle attack, lightweight protocols for devices and data sharing. MIoT is still improving and more successful proposition will still be made.


            Sun, W., Cai, Z., Li, Y., Liu, F., Fang, S., & Wang, G. (2018). Security and Privacy in the Medical Internet of Things: A Review. Security & Communication Networks, 1–9. /10.1155/2018/5978636

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