Project: Collaborations, Phase Two

During today’s class, you will want to finalize your scientific or technical problem topic for your analytic research report.

Use class time to begin doing some library research while you are in class. You may also think about interviews and surveys for additional data collection. For this latter possibility, you should look at research already done on the problem so that you devise informed questions.

Below is the superstructure of your report as discussed in depth during today’s class:

Superstructure of your analytical research report

  • Introduction (topic and why your report is important)
  • Objectives of the research (what were you attempting to do?)
  • Method (methodology–what kinds of research did you do, how did you do it, and why is the research sound?)
  • Results (what did you find in your research? facts, quotes, figures, interviews, surveys, etc.)
  • Discussion (how do you interpret your results? what story does your data tell us? results and discussion can be combined, but title this section appropriately if you do so)
  • Conclusions (what conclusions do you draw from your results and discussion? what is the significance of what you discovered?)
  • Recommendations (what do you think should be done to solve the research problem based on your research? this section is what all of your work is leading up to.)

Daily Writing: Interview Practice

For today’s beginning of class writing assignment, create a memo addressed to Prof. Ellis with the subject, “In-Class Interview of a Peer.”

You will serve as interviewer, and one of your classmates will be your interviewee. The memo’s purpose is to briefly interview a classmate about the article that they read for today’s class, cite the interview in-text, and cite their magazine article with a bibliographic entry at the end of your memo.

Your memo will look like this:

TO: Professor Ellis

FROM: Your Name


SUBJECT: In-Class Peer Interview

As requested, I am interviewing First Last Name about the article that they read for today’s class.

According to First Name, “<quote a sentence summarizing what your interviewee says the article is about>” (FirstInitial. Last Name, personal communication, November 19, 2019).

Their article’s bibliographic reference is below.

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Copy and paste your short memo into a comment made to this blog post.