Project: Collaborations, Phase Three

As discussed in class, the following are the major deliverables for this project and the method for submission of those deliverables. We will go into more depth on these after the break. They are being presented now as a big picture view of the project.

The major deliverables are:

  • Research Report > Google Docs > Shareable link
  • Presentation > Google Slides > Shareable link
  • Website > Create an OpenLab Project > link to site
  • Reflection Report > Google Docs > Sharable link

Turning in Your Collaborative Project (due before the last day of class)

Have one team member create a post on our OpenLab site.

Title of your post: Collaborative Project, Your Title

Body of your post:

Title of your project

Byline for all team members

Write 2-3 sentences summarizing your project and its recommendations.

State project deliverables are linked below.

Create a bulleted list

– Link to your Research Report

– Link to OpenLab Project Site

– Link to Google Slides for Presentation

 – Link to Reflection Report

Daily Writing: Extra Credit

For today’s class, I asked everyone to read another relevant magazine article for a writing exercise. Considering how little time is left to work on your collaborative projects, I am converting today’s daily writing assignment to extra credit for those who wish to complete it. Simply write a memo addressed to Prof. Ellis summarizing your article in 250 words, include one quote with parenthetical citation, and include an APA-formatted reference at the end of your memo. Copy and paste your memo into a comment to this post to receive your extra credit.

Also, keep in mind the last day of class is the last day to submit any late assignments in the class. If you need to catch up or revise an assignment, do so before the last day of class and send an email to Prof. Ellis letting him know what assignment(s) he should check for you. You may also email your late or revised work directly to Prof. Ellis. All email correspondence will be acknowledged, so if you don’t hear back from Prof. Ellis, touch base with him in class.

Project: Collaborations, Phase Two

During today’s class, you will want to finalize your scientific or technical problem topic for your analytic research report.

Use class time to begin doing some library research while you are in class. You may also think about interviews and surveys for additional data collection. For this latter possibility, you should look at research already done on the problem so that you devise informed questions.

Below is the superstructure of your report as discussed in depth during today’s class:

Superstructure of your analytical research report

  • Introduction (topic and why your report is important)
  • Objectives of the research (what were you attempting to do?)
  • Method (methodology–what kinds of research did you do, how did you do it, and why is the research sound?)
  • Results (what did you find in your research? facts, quotes, figures, interviews, surveys, etc.)
  • Discussion (how do you interpret your results? what story does your data tell us? results and discussion can be combined, but title this section appropriately if you do so)
  • Conclusions (what conclusions do you draw from your results and discussion? what is the significance of what you discovered?)
  • Recommendations (what do you think should be done to solve the research problem based on your research? this section is what all of your work is leading up to.)

Daily Writing: Interview Practice

For today’s beginning of class writing assignment, create a memo addressed to Prof. Ellis with the subject, “In-Class Interview of a Peer.”

You will serve as interviewer, and one of your classmates will be your interviewee. The memo’s purpose is to briefly interview a classmate about the article that they read for today’s class, cite the interview in-text, and cite their magazine article with a bibliographic entry at the end of your memo.

Your memo will look like this:

TO: Professor Ellis

FROM: Your Name


SUBJECT: In-Class Peer Interview

As requested, I am interviewing First Last Name about the article that they read for today’s class.

According to First Name, “<quote a sentence summarizing what your interviewee says the article is about>” (FirstInitial. Last Name, personal communication, November 19, 2019).

Their article’s bibliographic reference is below.

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Copy and paste your short memo into a comment made to this blog post.

Project: Collaborations, Phase One

In the previous post, I shared who everyone will be working with on the collaborative final projects in the class: report, website, presentation, and reflection. All components will be due on the last day of class when all teams will give their presentations.

During today’s class, we will work toward identifying what scientific or technological problem your team will work on for the remainder of the semester.

Use the following image to help visualize these final projects.

Visualization of the Collaborative Projects

We will discuss some of these resources during class:

Before our next class, have one team member copy the sharable link from your Google Doc and paste it into a comment added to this post.

Opportunity: Research and Googling Workshop, Thursday, 11/7, club hour, L-237

The Center for Student Accessibility is hosting a workshop for students on research and Google skills in room L-237 on Thursday, 11/7 from 12:45pm-2:15pm. You will learn invaluable skills at this workshop. As an added bonus, refreshments will be provided!

Project: Collaboration Teams

Looking ahead to our next set of projects, the randomly assigned teams are listed below. Your team will be responsible for working together on the analytical research report, oral presentation, website, and report on collaboration. We will begin talking about these projects and how they work together in our next class on 11/12.

Team 1Alpha, Tariq, Dominick, and Devina
Team 2Jeremy, Amir, Daniel, and Julia
Team 3Karmoko, Liuming, Masum, and Alain
Team 4Huzaifa, Marco, Samuel, and Eric
Team 5Luke, Mustafa, Haider, and Jing Sheng
Team 6Hector, Fernando, and Burhan

Project: 1500-2000-Word Instructional or Training Manual, Phase Four

Today, we are having studio time to work on your instruction projects. We will also share team assignments for the next project, which will be a collaborative effort.

Remember, the new due date for the instruction manual project is before class on Tuesday, 11/12.

Adding to the sample instruction manual shared in our last class, here is an excerpt with useful examples of the materials and directions sections for a photograph-focused set of instructions.

Announcements: New Due Dates, Office Hour Changes, Team Projects

Please pay attention to these upcoming changes:

  • The 1500-2000-word instruction manual project is now due before class on Nov. 12. This gives everyone an extra week to turn in their very best work on this assignment.
  • We will use class on Nov. 5 for studio time. This means that class time will be reserved for working on your instruction manual–including receiving feedback through user testing.
  • I highly recommend that everyone attend class on Nov. 5 so that you can receive your team assignments for the final phase of the semester. Even though we won’t begin the team projects until Nov. 12 due to the new instruction manual due date, it would be advantageous to meet your team members and exchange contact information with them ahead of Nov. 12.
  • I have been assigned School of Arts and Sciences advisement during my regular office hours. Therefore, I am changing my office hours from Nov. 26 through the end of the semester to Tuesdays, 3:00pm-4:00pm.
  • For the screenshots that I make for our class, I use Greenshot.