In-Class Writing, Compressing Summaries

Using the article that you read for today’s class, write a memo to Professor Ellis that does these three things:

Summarize the article in four sentences (include author, title of article, title of magazine, issue date/number).

Summarize the article in one sentence (include author and title of article).

Summarize the article using three keywords.

Copy-and-paste your memo into a comment made to this blog post when you are done.

20 thoughts on “In-Class Writing, Compressing Summaries

  1. Shirley

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Shirley Adelson
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-class writing assignment- Compressing summary

    “Keeping an Eye on Obamacare” written by Lisa Zamosky from magazine, issued March 2017, talks about the upcoming change with Obamacare. Obamacare will leave much more restriction even with employer-based health insurance. The cap on Obamacare have increased leaving people at risk for financial ruin. The article is suggesting for employees to weigh out the health insurance before accepting job positions because employers are losing some of the protection that the Affordable Care Act use to offer.

    In an article named, “Keeping an Eye on Obamacare”, written by Lisa Zamosky discusses the new effects Obamacare will now have on employer-based health insurance.

    Jargon words: Obamacare, high out-of-pocket limits, employer-based insurance

  2. Shameena

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Shameena Rahaman
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT:In Class Memo

    The purpose of this memo is to master the art of summarizing.

    Ricci Dipshan wrote an article on cybersecurity titled “ILTA Tech Purchasing Survey Reveals Cloud Skepticism” LegalTech News (October 2016). The article focuses on the dramatic increase in business expense for cybersecurity. The past 12 months, 44 percent of firms purchased cyber security softwares. While another 40 percent purchased security assessments and 27 percent spent on security training.

    Dipshan’s article “ILTA Tech Purchasing Survey Reveals Cloud Skepticism” reflects on the increase in technology budgets for law firms.
    Increase in Technology Budgets.

  3. Jozef

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jozef Loderer
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: Compressing Summaries Memo

    Theo Anderson’s article “The Right-Wing Machine Behind The Curtain” for the monthly magazine In These Times (Volume 41(1), April 2017) focuses on who is really behind the election of Donald Trump. For that the article concentrates on two organizations that were started in the early 1970s; the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation. Both play a crucial role in the ascend of the radical right-wing movement, and Vice-President Pence is deeply connected to the Heritage Foundation. One of the main points the author is highlighting in this article is the fact that Trump is seen as a tool for the movement’s goal to overturn the current power structure of this country.

    Theo Anderson’s article “The Right-Wing Machine Behind The Curtain” for the monthly magazine In These Times (Volume 41(1), April 2017) provides the reader with a fascinating look behind the scenes as to who has really helped Donald Trump to the presidency, and the question whether he is just a tool for the radical right-wing movement to achieve their goal to overturn the present political structure of this country.

    Key words: Heritage Foundation, radical right-wing movement, tool

  4. Zeeshan Ahmad

    TO: Professor Jason W. Ellis
    FROM: Zeeshan Ahmad
    DATE: March 23, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, Compressed Memo

    In this memo, I will discuss the article “Back to Basics”, by John Baldwin written in the magazine High Tech News in January/February, 2017 which describes that electronics equipment depend on audio signals and radio-frequency. Signal levels varies from micro-volts to megawatts which depends upon bandwidth and power requirements of the device. In order to compare the size of small and large signals, they are represented in decibels (dB). There are three types of dBs such as: acoustic, which is used for measurement of loudness perceived by human ear, relative is common dB unit, and absolute always was a reference signal represented by dBm and dBw etc.

    According to the article, “Back to Basics”, by John Baldwin describes that signal level varies from micro-volts to megawatts, there for small and high level signals are represented in decibels.

    Signal, Radio-frequency, and decibels.

  5. Daniel

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Daniel. O. L
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, Compressing Summaries

    The article I have chosen for today’s assignment is revolutionary in the robotics field, called Soft-robotics. Developed by faculty and students in BioRobotics Institute in Italy, it’s a machine comprised of organic like material making it adaptable on land or sea. Written by Cecilia Laschi the article “Robot Octopus Points the Way to Soft Robotics With Eight Wiggly Arms” in the magazine IEEE Spectrum.The robot design was made to resemble an octopus, curvy limbs to allow highest possible mobility.

    The article “Robot Octopus Points the Way to Soft Robotics With Eight Wiggly Arms” written by Cecilia Laschi introduces a new form of robotics, as oppose to the old rigid box like machine this new technology is more adaptable and it’s called Soft-Robotics.

    Soft-Robotics , Amphibious , University students.

  6. Adrian Valarezzo

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Adrian Valarezo
    DATE: 3/30/17
    SUBJECT: In class-writing assignment

    I read an article named “A Justice Startup” by Benjamin Rachli in a special edition of Time Magazine, the article is about the rise of a pro bono legal aid happened in North Carolina. It first started in Duke University where a group of law students were asked to help with reading letters inmates would send. Because the students were not allowed to practice the law they had pitched the idea to several professors who were in fact lawyers to later be named The Innocence Project.
    “A Justice Startup” By Benjamin Rachlin states that The Innocence Project started in North Carolina by a group of law students and professors like Rich Rosen, to exonerate innocent inmates.

    Key Words:
    North Carolina
    Duke University

  7. Anelsy R

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Anelsy Rodriguez
    DATE: 03/30/2017
    SUBJECT: Compressing Summaries

    the article “The Mugen Hybrid Amplifier’ s Driver Update” was written by Wim de Haan. this article can be found in the magazine AudioXpress volume 45 No. 4, April 2014. it tells us about how the mugen hybrid amplifier had been updating with new integral circuit which replace the output valves, and transformer. The author also tells us about the process that he went through to get this new amplifier.

    In the article “The Mugen Hybrid Amplifier’ s Driver Update” by Wim de Haan tells us about the process that Haan went through to create this new amplifier with the use of integral circuit.

    keywords: Amplifier, develop, Update.

  8. Steven Rivera

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Steven Rivera
    DATE: 30 March, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, Compressing Summaries

    In issue 253 of the Web Designer magazine, Ainara Sáinz Gutiérrez in the article Designing for the real world describes how focusing on users is critical in creating effective designs, for both the user and stakeholders. She observed while users tested her designs/prototypes to gain a more complete knowledge of what, and where, her designs needed to focus on. This discovery phase played a small role early in her career, which lead to frustration. She professes that having a robust discovery phase with lots on hand research is a great investment in all manners of UX/UI.

    In the Article Designing for the real world, Ainara Sáinz Gutiérrez describes how a robust discovery phase focusing on users is critical in creating effective designs for both users and stakeholders.

    User-Research, Design, User-Centered

  9. Ronald Hinds

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Ronald C. Hinds
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: Compressing Summary

    This is a recommendation for you to read an article, written by Kevin Dupzyk, titled “What’s That Deep in the Gulf of Mexico?,” contained in, page 8, of the April 2017 edition of Popular Mechanics. It provides a concrete appreciation of how technology assists man in protecting the marine life and the operation of oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. This article captures the role of a vessel, called the Turrittella, which is a Floating Production Storage and Off-loading or (FPSO) facility. In bad stormy and windy situations, a sensor buoy called a metocean, monitors and signals the Turrittella if something is amiss; in a strong storm condition the Turrittella can be cut-loose from the well and run.

    One sentence summary

    Please read Kevin Dupzyk’s piece, titled “What’s That Deep in the Gulf of Mexico?,” contained in Popular Mechanics, to see how signals can be emitted, from a sensor buoy, deployed to protect marine life and the operation of oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Three key words


  10. Leonardo Calegare

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Leonardo Calegare
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing Assignment, Compressing Summaries

    The article by Josh Saul titled, “The New Alamo: The Fight Over Immigration is About to Get Ugly, And Texas is Where the Bodies Will Start Falling,” published by Newsweek, volume 168, number 11, on March 24, 2017, really put on the spotlight the complex issue of federal immigration laws, and how law enforcement agencies are going about procuring people that may be breaking such laws. In one end of this spectrum, the article entails how the new White House administration is pushing a strict enforcement of immigration laws by giving local police agencies the power to ask any citizen about their legal status, and by pushing local government to comply with federal agencies at the penalty of having federal funding being cut to those cities. Within just a few months into this year, federal agencies are already running out of the proposed budget for the White House agenda on this issue because non-criminal non-U.S. citizens are being trapped into this giant net the federal government has placed on the entire country, and there are not enough officers and detention places to keep these people in. On the other side of the spectrum, the people fighting to have an opportunity to live legally in the U.S., the article offers the names and doings of organizations that protect immigrants rights, and how ordinary people of different walks of life, although all undocumented, have been pushed to fight back for their lives now that the White House war on immigration is fully fledged.

    According to the article by Josh Saul titled, “The New Alamo: The Fight Over Immigration is About to Get Ugly, And Texas is Where the Bodies Will Start Falling,” a national-scale of enforcement of immigration laws has begun and clashes and casualties between people and governments are inevitable.

    Keywords: Federal Immigration Laws, Sanctuary City, Illegal Immigrants’ Rights.

  11. Jose A. Jimenez

    TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Jose A. Jimenez
    DATE: 03/30/2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Compressing Summaries

    Net neutrality is where President Trump has his eyes now. According to Steve Lohr’s article “Net Neutrality Is Trump’s Next Target, Administration Says” published today March, 30, 2017 on the New York Times talks about Trump administration’s next move is to reform regulations of broadband internet service companies, affecting “Obama administration’s net neutrality rules, which were intended to safeguard free expression online.” according to the article (para. 1). These neutrality rules were approved by the Federal Communications Commission in 2015, to ensure that no online content is blocked and that the internet is not divided into fast lanes for companies and slow lanes for everyone else. According to the article, (in para. 4) “In a news conference, the White House spokesman, Sean Spicer said President Trump had “pledged to reverse this overreach.” Meaning the Obama administration rules, Spicer said. However, according to Lohr’s article: “Mr. Trump early this year appointed Ajit Pai, a former lawyer for Verizon and a minority Republican member of the Federal Communications Commission, as chairman of the agency, but Mr. Pai has since indicated that he plans to roll back many consumer protections regulations created during the Obama administration, including the net neutrality.”

    According to Steve Lohr’s article “Net Neutrality Is Trump’s Next Target, Administration Says” published today March, 30, 2017 on the New York Times is about President Trump wanting to get rid of Obama administration’s Net neutrality rules, but his Federal Communications Commission chairman wanting to keep them.

    Drifter. Incomprehension. Muddle.

  12. kangyiliu

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Kangyi Liu
    DATE: 03/30/17
    SUBJECT: Project 1, In-class Writing, Compressing Summaries

    I read the article, “Solving Challenges in Temperature Sensor Measurements” from Electronics World by World, M. and Head S. D. In Dec.2016, Vol. 122/123, issue 1968 which is talking about how a LTC2983 temperature Sensor works. temperature Sensor generates voltage by increasing temperature and using a converter to convert output voltage into temperature in degree C. Nowaday temperature sensor can also dependent on resistance and semiconductors for measuring temperature. LTC2983 have all the abilities that using resistance, semiconductor voltage, and output voltage to measure temperature.

    The article “Solving Challenges in Temperature Sensor Measurements” by World, M. and Head S. D. talks about A LTC2983 is a temperature sensor that measuring temperature in degree C by converting output Voltage or resistor sense or semiconductors into temperature.

    Jargon words: temperature Sensor, voltage resistance semiconductor, temperature in degree C.

  13. Isaiah

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Isaiah Emanuel
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing, Compressing Summaries

    Phillips, D. (2017, April). The circus fades into history. Trains.

    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey runs a circus.
    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey utilizes trains for transportation.
    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is running out of business.
    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey can’t maintain profit in today’s world.

    In this article, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s trains are suggested to be running for their last miles due to the fact that the circus is running out of business because they can’t maintain profit in today’s world.

    Key Words:

  14. sonja

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Sonja Goulbourne
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In class writing assignment

    Summary: Written by Gilad Edelman, this article featured in the Washington Monthly, March/April/May 2017 issue, highlights the work of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). David Cole, the new national legal director of the ACLU, describes the strategies in play before the election in anticipation of a Clinton win. However, in the aftermath of Trump winning the election, the ACLU instead found themselves in a unique position of defending Constitutional rights with the implementation of a rapid response team. The article goes on to report the many legal challenges and cases the ACLU has fought in court since the election and ongoing legal battles to come as well.

    The article outlines the importance of the work being done by ACLU to defend Constitutional rights and civil liberties of people affected by the Trump administration’s policies.


    Edelman, G. (2017). Can the ACLU stop Trump? Washington Monthly, (16-21)

  15. Chauncey Dumaguing

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Chauncey Dumaguing
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing Assignment

    The article, “Uber Redeploys Its Self-Driving Cars After a Wreck in Arizona,” talks about Uber testing its new self-driving cars again. Written by Jack Stewart from the magazine, Wired Magazine, Uber is testing their new type of cars again in Arizona after a car crash in Arizona caused by another driver, who is actually a human. Aside from testing in Arizona, Uber is testing its new self-driving cars in Pittsburgh and San Francisco as well, but stopped testing after hearing the crash in Arizona and only resumed testing after the crash was fully investigated by the police. However, Stewart mentions in the article that Uber is having other difficulties during their testing, like getting their cars’ registrations revoked by the California DMV after Uber refused to properly apply for autonomous driving permits.

    In the article “Uber Redeploys Its Self-Driving Cars After a Wreck in Arizona,” written by Jack Stewart from Wired Magazine, Uber is resuming their tests on self-driving cars after an accident with one of them happened in Arizona, however, there are a few problems Uber is still facing in testing their new type of cars.


  16. Doneek Drumgo

    TO:Professor Ellis
    FROM: Doneek Drumgo
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: In-class writing, Compressing summaries memo

    The article” Australia’s (Less Super) Super-Highway,” by Rodney S. Tucker from the IEEE Spectrum magazine discussed about a broadband network project that would widen high speed internet connection across Australia. This article was published December 2013 and the issue number is 12. This project was proposed by Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with the idea that this project would be able to help strengthen broadband internet in homes, workplaces and schools. Tucker points out the budget costs, construction planning and hiring of workers as part of the process of following through with this broadband network project named The National broadband network.

    The article” Australia’s (Less Super) Super-Highway,” by Rodney S. Tucker followed through the process of completing a broadband network project.


  17. Win

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Win Naing
    DATE: March, 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: Compressing Summaries

    “Control color with Camera Raw” was written by the staff writers of the UK based Digital Photography magazine issue number 175, which was published in February 2016. The article is how to do the do the detail color adjustment using Adobe Photoshop software, to control the saturation and luminance of a raw image taken from a professional digital camera.

    The article, “Control color with Camera Raw” is written by the editorial staff from the Digital Photography magazine and it is about making the color adjustment on the raw image.

    Key words: Raw image editing, camera raw, digital photo editing

    DP, (2016, February). Control colour with Camera Raw. Digital Photography, (175), 66-69

  18. luisvasconez23

    To: Professor Ellis
    From: L. L. Vasconez
    Date: March 30, 2017
    Subject: In-Class Writing, Compressing Summaries

    The article I read for today’s class in the magazine Mac Life, issue of February 2017 was “ Smart Travel” by Cliff Joseph. According to Joseph traveling has changed drastically in the recent years and there are new methods to don’t lose track of your luggage. He gives an brief explanation of several luggage’s with built-in technology planned to come out in 2018 and others that are already being sold. Also, he describes several built-in Bluetooth luggage and several
    apps used to track your luggage.

    According to Cliff Joseph in his the article “Smart Travel”, he briefly describes the different types of built-in Bluetooth luggage there is available for travelers in 2017.

    Built-in Bluetooth Luggage.

  19. sjm

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Steven Mathieu
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: Compressing Summaries

    In this memo, i’ll discuss a article title “Swift Playgrounds Will Lure Your Kid Into Coding” by Stephen Shankland. The article explains how a new app called Swift Playgrounds makes it easier for developer to code and write programs. Programming is becoming popular in the US. This article is was generated to let people know that there is a app that allow people to write code. The app it good simply because it strips away complexities of modern programming, so therefore a individuals can program a bit easier.

    This article is explaining how programming has reach a level where the younger generation can easily program using a app call swift.

    If i had to summarize this article in three key word, it will be swift, computing, and easy.

  20. Sandra Huerta

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Sandra Huerta
    DATE: March 30, 2017
    SUBJECT: Compressing Summaries

    The article “No Longer In a Heaven But Vowing Defiance,” by Lizette Albarez published in The New York Times, Volume 166, number 57,496, February 2, 2017, informs that Miami Florida where the mayor Carlos Gimenez, a once Cuban refuge running away from political persecution terminated this protection. Sanctuary cities do not follow the federal government’s order to help deport undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes or simple offences. The first step the mayor took to no longer maintain the city’s tittle was to detain and deport county jail members who were flagged as possible undocumented immigrants for two entire days. Gimenez based his decision in order to receive the profitable federal grants, which add up to $355 million a year.

    According to Lizette Alvarez in “No Longer In a Heaven But Vowing Defiance,” Mayor Carlos Gimenez removed Miami’s sanctuary city title in order to receive federal grants, leaving undocumented immigrants in danger of deportation.

    *Sanctuary cities.

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