Welcome to ENG2570 E282!

Welcome to our online presence for ENG2570 E282! We will use this OpenLab site to collect and present the work that you create. It is built on WordPress and other tools. Have a look around and confirm that you are in the right place.

One thought on “Welcome to ENG2570 E282!

  1. sonja

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Sonja Goulbourne
    Date: 2/16/2017
    SUBJECT: In-Class Writing Assignment. How to improve cyber security within a law firm via employee awareness and training.

    This article gives a brief overview of the dangers of cyber attacks which can occur within a law firm. Focus is placed on the various ways in which law firms can implement training with their employees to improve current system or implement new policies and procedures that will reduce the risk of these attacks. It details various vulnerabilities and gives an in depth outline of how to address them. Great emphasis is placed on the need for this type of training in a changing technological world.The training not only includes the use of technology and policy changes but also proactive steps that employees need to follow.

    The Business of Practicing Law. (January/February 2017). The Lawyer’s Internet Marketing Tool Kit. Law Practice Magazine, Vol 43 No. 1.

    Nelson D. Sharon and Simek W. John. (January/February 2017). Security Awareness Training for Law Firm Employees. (26-31).

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