The Path of an Electrical Engineer

Pooran Nardeo

Professor Ellis

English 1101

8 November 2015

My name is Pooran Nardeo and I am pursuing the path of becoming an Electrical Engineer. This is not going to be a walk in the park and I know that, it will take a lot of time and even money but in the end it will all be worth it. The program that I’m apart of right now is at The New York City College of Technology under the school of Technology and Design, and the department is called Electrical Engineering Technology. This, to me, is the best career because of several reasons. The first and probably the most important reason is that I will be working as an electrical engineer, something that I want to do, not something that I have to do, secondly, the location, for this job I don’t have to be relocated. They are plenty of job opportunity right, where I live. The final reason is the amount of money I will be making. It will be more than enough for me to live my life the way I wanted and probably even support a family later in life. I will start off by giving a general background of electrical engineering Technology and what you have to accomplish in order to become one. After that I will give more detail and facts on my three reason that pursuit me to become one, and how I will further my study in order to get the degree I want.

I am currently studying to obtain my Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Technology. According to the city tech college catalog it will take eight semesters for this degree. In this field of study you learn more about math and physics. As a requirement for this program you need at least three math courses, Precalculus and calculus one and two, and two physics courses, General physics one and two. Along with these major courses, you also learn the basics of electrical and electronic circuit. Getting a job after graduating with a degree in electrical technology shouldn’t be that hard. According to The City Tech College Catalog, “Potential employers include IBM, CODEX, Bank of America, ITT, GE, ConEd, Verizon, MTA, Honeywell, and Northrop Grumman” (college catalog 245). These are very big and recognizable company, two of them are even associated with the City of New York, which is going to make it even that much easier to get a job. I’m not saying that job opportunity will be knocking at my front door, I’m just saying that the chance of me getting a job in my field will be at a higher percentage. This could be both a negative and a positive thing. The negative of this job could be that too many people are doing it and that will cause the salary to be lower than average, but on the other hand, you will be able to get a job faster and closer to home. Out of the list of companies that I got from the college catalog they are three of them that I would like to be working for and that is IBM, General Electric (GE) and Consolidated Edison. These are only two factors that could affect the outcome of me getting a job and they are a lot more. So the opportunity of me getting a job with the right salary is still out there, it just all depends on me being at the right place at the right time.

This is something that I want to do, because for once I get to pick my own path in life. Electrical engineering wasn’t always my dream job, I started to get interesting in it doing my favorite hobby, working on cars. Working on cars has away fascinating me since I was a little boy, but now working on it and getting to know how all the component work, the electrical system was what caught my attention. They is a lot of different thing you could do with the electrical system in a car, the car is basically control by electrical signal and if you know what you are doing you could customize your car to your own needs. After learning what electricity could do on a car, I wonder what it could do to the world. That’s why I chose it to be my career. Engineers have a big impact on the world, they are the people that everyone depends on to make the world a better and more modernize place. They are the ones that are responsible for building all the major structure in the world that make all our life so much better. Most of the major jobs site today need an electrical engineer because of how everything are becoming electronically operated. Working as an engineer in general is an accomplishment by itself, you get to be an explorer in your own ways. As for me becoming and explorer in electrical engineer is what I want to be doing. I wouldn’t just be doing other people work I will have the freedom of doing my own work. One of these works that I plan to be doing is coming up with ways to make a more efficient power source. According to the article careers in engineering “Caroline Paquet, a mechanical engineering at Bouthillette Parizeau and Associates, led the mechanical and electrical engineering team that worked on the three-year project” (Careers in Engineering par 10). This show how engineering from different field are working to together to make something that is impossible, possible. There are working on a project to reduce the energy consumption by 51 percent. These are the type of project that someday I want to be a part of, because of the fact that they will put us one step closer for the world of becoming a more modernize and overall a better place to live.

Location is something that is very important when looking for a job, it’s not only for me but anyone who is looking for a job. Location is important because of all the factor that it effect. Some of these factors are the change of you getting a job, the company you will be working for and the annual wages. Where I work is something that I personally take interest in because of the fact that I don’t want to leave home or my family, at least not right now. This career that I am pursuing right now, have plenty of job in my comfort area of working. According to a data map of the united state found in the occupational outlook handbook, the job rate for an electrical engineer in New York is 1.26 of a person per every thousand (United States). This might not sound that great but this adds up to 11,110 employment each year, and this is just for the New York area. This to me seems to be a good thing because when there is this amount of people working it normally means that there is a shortage and that’s always a good thing. This will mean more jobs opportunity will open up and the salaries will go up. That is how location affects the probability of getting a job and the wages, but that not the only affect it have it also affect who you work for. Since I live in New York City there are a few big companies that I could be working for, and those companies are IBM, ITT, GE, ConEd Honeywell and finally MTA. These are some of the big company jobs that I could be applying for after I finish my Bachelor degree at city tech.

Finally the reason that I chose this path in my career is because of the salary. The salary is important because of several different reasons. One of which, is going to be the way you live your life. According to the occupational outlook statistics the mean average for an electrical engineer is $95,780 that works out to be $46.05 an hour (United States). This to me is not a bad amount of money to be working. This is also the mean averages, which mean it is only the middle 68.2 percentage of the bell curve in standard deviation. You could be making less, which I don’t want to be doing or you could be that 0.1 percent of worker. That is what I’m hoping to be one day. That amount of money is only a starting salary, as time goes on you salary will mostly likely get increased. Back to the way you will be living your life, as I learn from own experience, having money in this world is important and it reflect you status in life. This may not be true for everyone but money makes you the person you are, in one way or another. It could also change you both in a good and bad way. For me this salary will be enough, it will definitely change me from the person I am today but in a good way. All of this is not going to be easy. It’s going to take a few years for this all to start happening, but I start planning for it now because as I learn taking small step at a time will definitely get you to where you need with less stress and hassle. The final reason for wanting to work this amount of money is the freedom. Working this amount of money will be more than enough for me to survive on and that is why I want to do it. I will be able to have all the thing in life that wouldn’t be possible with another job or career and by knowing that I will be more happy with my lifestyle. I will also be able to get my dream car. At this point in life this is only a plan but I’m on the process of making it a reality.

Overall this is what I want my life to be looking like. I first make the life decision on my career which is electrical engineering. To do this it’s not going to be easy but at least I have a starting point, my study at city tech. This as I said is only a starting point, I plan to move on. As I learn city tech only gives out technical degree and I want to be an engineer. So to this my next step is to transfer to a college that gives an engineering degree. My next small step in my path of becoming and electrical engineer is to transfer to The City College of New York. I chose this career because of three simple but important reasons, where I will be working, the type of jobs I will be doing and finally the amount of money I will be making. This career is not just about these three reasons only, but they the most important. I also want to make the world a better place, and since the world is becoming so modernize and everything is operating in one form or another electronically, what better job to be doing than working as an electrical engineer. I also one day hope to come with a form of renewal energy. It doesn’t have to be me all by myself but I’m hoping to be part of the process and that will be an achievement that will make all of this hard work worth it, making the world a better place one small step at a time.

Works Cited

“Careers In: Engineering.” Maclean’s 125.45 (2012): 1-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Nov. 2015.

New York City College of Technology College Catalog 2015-2016 (city tech). New York: New York City College of Technology, 2015. PDF.

United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Electrical  Engineer.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics. 8 Jan 2014. web. 19 Oct 2015.

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