About Me

Hello, my name is Emily Kuzar and I’m currently a student at New York City College of Technology for Communication Design. Some of my hobbies include designing, learning about the countries of the world, playing video games, and reading.

The reason I decided to join this major is because in high school I had taken classes on photoshop, video editing, coding, and graphic design and I took special interest in this field. Right now I want to learn all the bases that surround this major and learn how to combine them into a future career. When it comes to wanting to become someone like a graphic designer, I believe you have to also learn a lot about typography, photography, programs like indesign and illustrator, and things like this.

A lot of the inspiration that I incorpate into projects comes from the world around us. I don’t have just one big inspiration that drives me, but I see something that interests me or a concept and I try to see how I can put it into my own words or vision. Also, I get inspired by seeing how other people work. How others come up with concepts and how they’re driven to do the things they love. Some of my favorite things visually that I like to incorporate into works are things like stars, flowers, colors like green or pink, and architecture.