I felt like I learned a lot from my internship. Even though I wasn’t really taught anything. It was just “hey can you do this?” I learned by observing on running a small company who has a huge list of clients. I observed everyone who worked there. Even they left things to the last minute. I learned that it’s ok to mess up, just fix your mistake quickly and immediately. No one is perfect.  Even though for the last 2 weeks I felt not needed by my boss anymore I’ve defiantly had more confidence in myself and my work ethics. I have less anxiety about entering the graphic design world.  At first, I didn’t know what to expect, I thought I was going to fail all the time. I thought I was going to get fired for some reason. That’s just how my mind is. I think of the worst and expect it to happen. I don;t show everyone my best. But somehow this internship improve that a little for me.  MY next internship I hope that 1 ill have more experience, 2) my time management would be impeccably, and 3) I will definitely speak up more. Ask for more help and ask them to explain a little more. It’s okay to ask a question. It won’t hurt.