Nut Graf: New York is an amazing place but if these problems keep coming the people of New York will be so fed up that they will leave causing even more problems. If you as a New Yorker want New York to be good again then you must try to change these problems as a group.

Quote Sandwich: Health Agency Under Cuomo ‘Misled the Public’ on Nursing Home Deaths

The political leader in our state should always try their best to do everything for the people of New York and always be truthful. But what happens when they don’t. “the Cuomo administration had internal data showing that the deaths of 13,147 nursing home residents were reported as of Feb. 3, 2021. But it publicly reported that only 9,076 deaths were tied to nursing homes during that time period, failing to report 30 percent of the deaths”(Ferré-Sadurní). During the beginning of the pandemic, former governer Andrew Cuomo was praised for his control for the COVID-19 outbreak, meanwhile, he was hiding data from the public of how many people died. If Cuomo hid data for this then what other things did he hide from the public? A political leader that is corrupt is another reason why this state is becoming worse. They put bad policies and rules that either make the problem worse or don’t change. Why was Cuomo even governer? The answer is the people themselves. there are many problems that led to bad politicians being elected. A few examples are Not looking at their views but only voting for whatever side they were on, not being a voter,  the main culprit is not voting at all. Voter turnout is how many of the registered voters voted in that election. During the most recent election (2021 Election) The voter turnout was around 21% which is the lowest ever in history (Ngo). We need to actually do our research to find out which candidates we like and go vote.