English Composition II

Week Six Day one

Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/22/sports/soccer/us-womens-soccer-equal-pay.html

In the U.S people seem have a dispute on the United States nation soccer team based on curtain circumstances of the wages that are given to the males compared to the wages that are given to the females. For example, in February 22,2022 Andrew Das writes a statement from the Goalkeeper of the female nation team. “The numbers speak for themselves,” Solo said, though U.S. Soccer immediately disputed them. Men’s players, Solo said, “get paid more to just show up than we get paid to win major championships.” In other words, Andre Das is getting to hear out people point of view based on the debate. While many people have different point of view, what Solo means by “the number speak for themselves” is that it makes one wonder is it really fair that the females can accomplishes more tittles than the males but yet still get paid less than the males.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Edelson

    Great work! Thanks for posting…It is so bizarre that men would make so much more than women in soccer.

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