What students need to pass the class? is important to be responsible, with all the subject and projects who give you your professor, always be on class and keep a good attendance, do all you work well done and bring it at time, don’t skip classes is very important because who knows in a previous class we talk about a subject and you miss it. with my experience I learn the importance of not miss a day. I learn a lot of thing that can help you to improve yourself staying class, like improve a project that you done it already, try to make it better for get a better grade, or complete an previous assignment you miss it. I am saying all of this because pass a class is something people need to do, but there other who sometimes need a hand.
Author: Victor.F (Page 2 of 12)
Introduction. Asian Americans have had far more diversity and complexity than other ethnic groups. Asian communities from various Asian regions and educational backgrounds frequently have vastly different socioeconomic status, and their political, religious, and cultural barriers are extensive, making people feel isolated from one another. As a result, Asians have a limited voice. In American politics and social life, you have a say. Nothing should be done to cause harm to others. You can’t believe the virus came from Asia. Don’t assume that all Asians are evil.
MLA: Gutierrez Jason. “In the Philippines, Attacks on Asian-Americans Threaten ‘Family.” New York Times, 22 March 2021,https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/01/world/asia/asian-attack-new-york-philippines.html?searchResultPosition=1
Summary: In this article the author talks about how a Filipino who was brutally attactked, caught the attention of a Philippine Foreign Secretary, took to Twitter and advised his compatriots in the United States to defend themselves,he post, “The response to racism has to be police / military; without understanding, ”Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin said in another Twitter post about the attack. “Racists understand only force.” The United States responded, saying that US authorities must undertake effective responses to racially motivated hate crimes, including their root causes, “Rep. Alfredo Garbin Jr., a Duterte ally in the Philippine Congress, told a local newspaper. at that moment. Yet they were not waiting for the response they hoped for because they sponsored. Some of Duterte’s prominent critics have called his administration’s response to anti-Asian violence in the United States hypocritical, saying that his government has a long history of abuses against them. human rights in the country. The United Nations has accused the Philippine government of systematic killings and arbitrary arrests in the service of a bloody campaign against drugs. The UN said last year that more than 8,000 people had died since Duterte began his anti-drug campaign in 2016.
Analysis: Jason Wrote this This article was written to raise awareness about the seriousness of racial discrimination, not only among Filipinos but also among other immigrants. Her article informed me about various attack cases around the world. When she discussed how the same Filipino government sent the message via his compatriots that citizens were helpless to oppose terrible cases of discrimination, people were outraged.
Response: I personally think that the Philippine government was very brave to send the message that they are being discriminated against despite the fact that they committed some crimes in the past because it is very commonly immigrants who cause protests and racial accusations. send the awere.
MLA : Beth Mirza Americans Face Violence, Workplace Discrimination March 22, 2021”https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/behavioral-competencies/global-and-cultural-effectiveness/pages/asian-american-workplace-discrimination.
Analysis: According the author of this post, some Atlanta residents were killed while shooting Asian women. According to some statistics, the crime of discrimination against Asian people in 2020 has risen by when compared to the previous year, and it tells us how to protect ourselves from being affected by discrimination against Asian people. some investigation indicate that this event may come from cause of the thing that Asian people as something related to the coronavirus.
Response: This article is an example of how things in which only depending on where you come from can cause a bad interaction between the people around you, but also there to be thoughtful and that every Asian immigrant who lives in the United States has absolutely nothing to do. to do with the covid-19, but I think that it is an unforgivable punishment to a person who discriminates or takes the life of one for only their religion.
Conclution: Finally, I believe that prejudice is caused by colour, religion, culture, and race not only in the United States but throughout the world. I want people to rise up and alter prejudices, not to sit back and wait for death. The world is a family, and if people kill each other, it is a tragedy.
During this day’s , was not easy to me to take classes. because during this day’s my WiFi Connection was Cut it. preventing me to take classes on my laptop. I was thinking at the beginning take it on my phone but would be a little complicated, so I decided to go to my uncles house, They let me to use the rocking chair to use my laptop but the problem goes with they manners. music to loud, phone with speaker on and the dog barking to me for go play with him. Was so hard to concentrate. right now I am back where I should be, in my house taking class as should be.
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