When viewing these posters, the positioning of the type in each is placed to catch the eyes and direct the message straight to the viewer is clear to see. The alignment however, are done differently to allow each poster to remain as their own individual attraction. For example, the “Save The Earth” poster is centered right down the middle even including the short message to allow the eyes to flow downward and have everything read. Whereas on the “Visible” poster the design is presented to speak for itself by having the text “visible” set in the center and enlarged to represent its meaning and allowing the image to be the definition of what its conveying. The contrast in each is quite low however, when viewing “Time to Change” poster the contrast give off an almost contradicting mixture of both high and low yet the bright orange and yellow colors are used to support the dim greys and blacks and so they resonate with each other. Repetition may not be found in either poster yet, the chaotic order in “Time to Change” and the organized view of the cluster buildings in “Visible” can be seen as following the same sensation as a repetition. First thing to grasp my attention was the text of each design and how upfront they were in regards to their message. Each poster was effective due to being straightforward and clear to their intent by either having the text display the large severity of a call to action or using the text and images to work as one to say the same thing in creative clarity.

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