About Me

20150416_073920My name is Deirdre Stokes and I am a Human Services student at the New York City College of technology

As a human services provider and formerly homeless African-American woman, I am particularly sensitive to the plight of the homeless. To that end, I recognize their struggle and appreciate the need for advocacy and reform. Homelessness remains a major public health issue and community problem. However, for African-Americans and other people of color it is a concern that affects our communities in many different ways. Since I feel so strongly about this population, I have made a conscious effort to focus my interest in that direction in terms of volunteering and employment.

There is nothing I am more passionate about than being a champion for the less fortunate members of our communities. I embrace the therapeutic value of one person helping another. I know that it works because I am living proof. I have served the non-profit sector, privately and professionally, my entire life and, in turn it has served me. I am certain that in order to be a productive member of society we must exercise our own humanity; and to do so we must be willing to participate in the lives of our neighbors. I am a better person and service provider because of my belief and understanding that people are inherently worthy.