So I checked my email and guess what I’ve got. Yes you probably guessed it right, an internship. I couldn’t believe it; it only took about 100 weeks. It’s an internship that I applied to on my professor Tanya internship page. The job is to be an intern at Brooklyn College. The job is within the Office of Communications and marketing.I’ll have to do things such as researching, designing, and producing graphics for digital media projects including email headers, website and social media posts, and other marketing and promotional projects. In addition to that, Inputting and updating schedules, deadlines, and assignments into Basecamp, our project management software. It may seem like a lot but I have to be able to show the skills and knowledge that I’ve acquired over the years. I tend to doubt myself a lot which is something I’ve always needed to keep working on. It’s a very bad trait to have and often keeps me for completing my work.

Fast forward I’ve had the meeting , it was through zoom. It’s an app that people use to webcam one another since the Corona virus happened and yes I’ve got the job. I couldn’t believe it. The boss’s name is Lisa and she’s the head of the communication department. She seems very cool and nice, honestly I was scared that I would forget what I planned on saying. She asked me questions about myself as a designer and things hey I like to do. She asked me about the programs I can use and the level of comfort within these programs. She informed me that the job requires mostly indesign but that’s alright with me. She asked me questions about my portfolio and about certain projects that I did so that she can get a better idea. Overall she liked my portfolio. She then looked at my resume.The resume scared me a little though. She asked if I had any design experience and I said I didn’t. She said it was okay because I’m an intern and I’m learning. After discussing my portfolio and getting a better idea of who I am, she told me that she believes it can work. I was so happy , I was worried and stressed about if my work was up to par for if my design experience would trouble me but then it all went out the window. I was so relieved. We both then discussed my availability and that was all. Everything happened so fast, it seemed as if I was dreaming but I was actually there and it happened. This was my first design related interview , due to lack of response from other internships and I got it. From now on I just have to keep my head High and believe in my ability to do great. I choose to be able to work 4 days out the week although i’m not sure if i’ll be able to. This is a very hard semester for me and balancing senior projects while completing my portfolio is easier said than done trust me .