About NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute

Image result for ny early childhood professional development institute logo“The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) is a public-private partnership that brings together a range of city agencies, a consortium of private funders, and the nation’s largest urban university to build a comprehensive system of professional development for individuals who work with young children in New York.”

This quote is from the “Who We Are” page on the PDI website. To put it simply PDI works with those who work with children like teachers, daycare professionals, pediatricians, child psychologists and anyone who has a young child in their care. There are different branches in the institute for that covers the professional development (training) of different kinds of child providers. I interned in the branch department of PDI called Informal Child Care Project (IFCC).Image result for Informal child care project logoIFCC work with informal providers of children. These providers are legal but unlicensed because a provider only needs a license it they are caring for more than three children under the age of five. The informal providers are also called “Family, Friends and Neighbors” which are the type of people that are informal providers. IFCC gives these providers access to training, like child CPR, First Aid and even potty training. IFCC also provides child caretakers with supplies and learning items. Basically IFCC’s job it to recruit these Informal providers in order to assist them in being better at childcare. IFCC is stationed in Brooklyn, NY at 16 Court street.