Value Range Research


First photo is the bottom stairs of our Citytech college . I think the first photo is predominately within the low-key value range. And low-key color give a person relaxed feeling.

Second photo is a door. I think the second photo is predominately within the high-key value range. But the right side is a little white rectangle. The rectangular square and door form sharp contrast, I think it can remind people from the right to open the door.



Ludicrous: adjective

Definition: amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity.


I found this word from a article “A literary Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles Mcgrath.

Now, I understood this word: the word is used to describe a thing or mood very exaggerated, not normal.

The Reflection of “What If You Could Choose Between The Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”

This article is very interesting. I think it is involved with part of my project 2. My project 2 is about overlapping New York, and the article is about choosing the two the route of London. Usually, many people will choose a shortest route get to the destination. Only add seven more minutes, you will enjoy the happy, quiet, beauty journey. If you let me choose between those two ways of getting to a place, I will choose the route of beauty, quiet, and happiness. We can sometimes try to make a little change, and that might help us find out the true beauty of the city; maybe will make you happier.

The summary of “What If You Could Choose Between The Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”

The article “What If You Could Choose Between The Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?” is issued on July 17, 2017 from the Atlantic Citylab. The text is basically focused on which route is the better route for the user. The main purpose is to find more interesting route to go to. It will just take a little more time and also can make people feel more satisfy and quiet. Researcher from Barcelona and University of Torino form a group of researcher to do the research. The research took place at London. First research given two place and ask people which one do you find more beautiful? Then the researcher received input from more than 3,000 people over the four month at the beginning of September 2012. They also enlisted some people familiar with London to be the judge. They made shortest, beauty, quiet, and happy path map. The experiment shows the beautiful and quiet, happy route only takes seven minutes more then the fastest route. There are some people that don’t get charmed by that, but researcher has their ways of idea. Researcher wants to let people notice the well being of their city, and explore their city. Ultimately the experiment has proved that if people choose more seven minuets then can find the beauty, quite and happy of city.

Summary for The Boston photographs

Ephron, Nora in October 1975, wrote “The Boston photographs”. This article was talking about whether the photo of the dead can be published in the newspaper or it shouldn’t. Stanley Forman took a picture for a fire escape. He took three pictures of the dead woman. These photos were published by many newspapers stations. It caused a very big scene. The reasons were many readers had a bad response about this. They thought it is violated the privacy of the dead: people reject death. People refuse to publish copse in many places (the writer in the article illustrates may examples). The writer illustrates the views of many opponents. Then he wrote one to illustrates his own view. The writer thought death happens to be one of life’s main event, so all people should to face up it. In the other hand article and picture of a news than more controversy, this suggests that the picture is worth than the article. Obviously, the writer support the photos that were published.


Morbidly: Adjective

Definition: abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings.


I found this word from a article “ The Boston Photographs ” this word in the article means that a bad mood in a place. It used personification to describe the social negativity phenomenon.

Now, I understood this word: It can use in two different situations. One is description a person is sick. On the other side it describe the social spirit.




View From My Window:Research

This will be my research: view from my window. At the first glence what attracted me is the telegraph pole. This is the wood pillars and tilts. I always felt like it is this might fell one day. There are a lot of wires on the pole, every wire is strait hanging in the sky. Look down from the window there are a yard of plant. My family planted those. There are many kind of plants such as sunflower, elliptic small tomato,and rosemaries;ect. Some will be wrapped around a stick up for plants to grow. These plants make me feel life is full of color. also look  out of my window is Kissena Blvd. Many cars go back and froth, it is nonstop action. the sound makes me feel new york never goes to sleep.

ADV1100 Project #2 And Reflaction

DLMashupHIRES copyanimated mashup (without sound) (with sound)


This was my first time to use audio in my project. First I was sketching while listening to music (it took me about 10 minuets). Then I started to design the sound wave on the Bristol. I drew 11 different type of music pictures on my Bristol. I use three different drawing styles to express the music I heard (it took me 40 minuets). After I scan my work to my computer from Staple( It took me 2 dollars). Next step was the most difficult one step that I began to make the animated mashup by using Adobe Photoshop. This was my first time to use the Photoshop so I learned how to use it with the help of YouTube. I finished my project and learning it at the same time (it took me about 5 hours). Finally I used popcorn maker to let the animated mashup combined sound (it took me 1 hour). This project took me too way to long. But all efforts are worth it, because I learned many new skills. Although what I made was not perfect, but because it was the first attempt to it, I already felt satisfied.


ENG1101 Project #2

Brooklyn is an advancing area of New York. I want to discuss about this part of Brooklyn. Empire Fulton Ferry State Park. There is Jane’s carousel. Its under the Brooklyn bridge park, It also attract many people’s attention. It gives us a mysterious feeling when we are on the carousel. Here is how you get there. From New York City College of Technology to Brooklyn Bridge Park It will approximately use 17 minus to arrive there. First, we go down the Jay Street, and then when we get under the Manhattan Bridge, we turn left get to Sands street and when you pass Sands street, you turn right go down Pearl street. You will walk down straight to Front Street. Then stop turn left then go straight down you will see a Starbucks on the way there, up to this point your almost there. Stop when you see a sign that says Dock Street and walk down Dock Street then turn left again to water street, one last time turn left. There you go, Empire Fulton ferry. Finally, if you feel hungry when you arrive there. You can find some nearby restaurant such as Grimaldi’s pizza Juliana’s Pizza and other place just look around. Or if your phone is dead, do not worry about it, because there are public charger stations in the park.

I want to talk about the juxtaposition of Brooklyn Bridge Park. From 1950 there were not many piers and warehouses, up tile 1983 the area closed due to waste and worm out. When you look across the bridge you can see the river with boat that have four Centre of history. The establish of Brooklyn bridge park was an idea, but later on it turned into an idea to entertain others and it came true. The Monday of January 28, 2008 the Park started construction.  Three years later Piers 1 and 6 open to the public, for example Jane’s carousel, The Empire Fulton Ferry section, sand volleyball courts also many other piers you can visit. 1.(the source came from Wikipedia) I think this is a great creation. Although Brooklyn Bridge Park is very difficult to built during the construction period and need huge amount of money, but everything is worth it because you can not have a great city without a great park, it attract tourists all over from the world, to improve the quality of people’s lives.

Brooklyn Bridge Park was a busy pier. But abandoned for a long time. Experienced the frustrations in the end it got a rebirth. Here is a rebirth of an other world famous place.

Now I will be describing this location called Jane’s carousel. Also give you a little history about the park. In the beginning the carousel. The carousel was created in Idora Park (theme park) in Youngstown in 1922, Ohio. But a fire broke into the park. Jane bought the carousel from Idora Park in a auction with $3085 on October 21, 1984. Then Jane did not like the color of horse so she spent a lot of money on the painting and used the best material to carefully design the color of the horse. Jane also had a fine art degree. 2.(the source came from Jane’s carousel official website). That makes me think the carousel is very precious. What’s even more exciting is that if you want to ride it only cost 2 dollar. Jane’s carousel is my favorite places in Brooklyn. First the area between the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan bridges is called Empire Fulton fairy it has a great view of the bridges and you can take kids over and enjoy your time. Then I like the casing outside the glass door. That can make me felt the gorgeousness of the carousel. When I was riding the carousel accompanied by beautiful music, it seems like I was a kid again, even though I am an adult. Maybe its because of the lacerated river, I feel like a river, effortlessly to flow freely.

To overlap this place I can tell this place was very popular with couples and children. When the children ride the carousel for the first time, some are afraid of it. Maybe this horse is very realistic; that innocent children think it is really a horse. Children felt the horse is too high; make them feel insecure, even though the pony looks very cute. When they ride for the first time they might need their parents to be aside with, that way they can feel safe. When the music begins, the pony began to slowly walk, the kid’s turns into a very pleasant mood and consciously laughed because they are riding on the pony. They never had a feeling like this before. Maybe riding for a few times more they won’t need parents to be there for them. Gradually because he and the pony have become good friends, a green grass and a broad river, there surround Sunshine on the carousel. Let the child felt as if they were the little princess or the little prince in the fairy tale stories. The pony’s passion for children will never disappear; children could love it forever. Because the carousel gives them the feeling of a fairy tale dream and it’s very romantic. It is the dream of everyone.

The Carousel is not only children, Its also for many lovers. Couples hope when they get married they can take some wedding photos on the carousel. Carousel has a sweet legend: Someone says a carousel is can witness the relationship of two people who love each other, as long as the two people are truly in love at the same time on carousel, the horse will be carrying them to a perfect paradise, their love will last forever. So couples holding hands together to ride the carousel, imagine the horse are taking them to a perfect paradise.

The carousel for everybody has a different meaning. For child, the carousel is the child’s good friend, and it gives children fairy tale world. For lovers, the carousel is a symbol of happiness, and that give lover the paradise world.




1.Wikipedia Brooklyn Bridge


2.Jane’s carousel official website
