
Weekly Course Schedule (May be subject to change at Professor’s discretion.)

Date Class activities Assignments due Assignments for next class
Week 1


Roll call; Introductions Study Syllabus; Read appendix (1st speech)
Week 2


Go over syllabus; assign Success Speech Ch. 1 (why it matters) & 2 (ethics); Prepare Success Speech outline and practice
Wk. 3


Ethics, delivery, and being confident Ch. 3 (confidence), 4 (listening) & 14 (delivery); Prepare Success Speech outline and practice
Wk. 4


Success Speech presentations Success Speech outlines due; Peer Evaluations due Ch. 6 (topic and purpose) & 7 (research)
Week 5


Doing research; citing; assign Informative Speech Research topic; Ch. 8 (forms of support) & 16 (informative speaking); Prepare Informative Speech outline
Week 6


Feedback on Success Speeches; Structure and organization Informative Speech outlines due Ch. 9 (intro), 10 (body) & 11 (conclusion)
Week 7


Outlines returned; Informative Speech Group Workshops Ch. 12 (outlines) & 13 (language); practice
Week 8


Informative Speech Presentations Outlines due; Peer Evaluations due Revise outlines; practice Informative Speech! Ch. 15 (visual aids)
Week 9


Informative Speech Presentations Outlines due; Peer Evaluations due Ch. 17 (persuasive speaking)
Week 10


Ethics; Assign Persuasive Speech Research topic; prepare outline for Persuasive Speech; practice
Week 11


Informative Speech Feedback; Motivated Sequence Prepare outline for Persuasive Speech; Practice
Week 13


Persuasive Speech presentations Persuasive Speech outline due; Peer Evaluations due Practice!
Week 14


Persuasive speech presentations Persuasive Speech outline due; Peer Evaluations due Practice!
Week 15


Persuasive speech presentations Persuasive Speech outline due; Peer Evaluations due