Gordon parks was famous for his photography. He took pictures of American culture focusing on poverty, civil rights, and more. His work In Europe enchanted his reputation as an outstanding photographer, his sensitivity of his subjects cause artists to trust him. Photography is a way to observe and comment on, parks captured the beauty of the city with his camera in Paris.Β  Park says People in front of camera are most important people if they don’t give u their time you got no story, he had a wonderful ability get close to people and they trusted him. Parks had many other talents such which includes photographer, musician, activist and was the first African American photographer for life and vouge magazines.

In this project I learned about the gradation scale and how we can use it to paint a portrait and differentiate the color scale in the overall photo. This was a fun assignment I never knew about painting using gray scale on the photographs. I always assumed that the paintings were made from scratch or free hand and never with guidance. This was another good learning experience.