I am currently a senior majoring in Human Service at the New York City College Of Technology. I was born and grew up in an south America country called Guyana until the age of eight, when I moved to New York City to live in the Bronx. I attended Dewitt Clinton high school and graduated in 2010 with a high school diploma and awards that include a merit award, and the regents’ award.
On a daily basis, I walk out of my house and see a stream of people in my community and during my commute I wonder, what situation are these people are experiencing daily that may put a damper on their lives or affect their quality of living. I witness mothers and fathers fighting in front of their kids on the street, homeless men and women living on the street daily with no hope of a better life. I choose to pursue this field in an effort to show people who have made mistake in life and those who have done everything right but life has happened putting them in unforeseen circumstance but also walk the on make a difference in their lives.
Some of my strength that will assist me to excellent in this field include ability to work effectively as part of the team, Interpersonal communication skills, strong public speaking skills active listening skills, empathy in addition to the experience of working with under privilege and the elderly.
The past four years of being in the human service program had taught me a lot. As a result of the many courses I have taken, I learned many skills and techniques that have prepared me for internship placement and the human service field. Out of all of these practices and courses I have learned and taken, I feel three of the most important ones are how to complete a process recording, group process class, and counseling methods class. I feel these classes and practice are the most important since through out my internship I am constantly referencing them in order to complete my work and deal with clients.