Color Interaction: Group 2 & 3

Shifting hue, not value
Shifting hue, not value
Shifting value with color
Shifting value with color

Making the first one (shifting in hue, not value)  was difficult to do. I printed several of them  just to experiment. I still feel as though  my eyes are tricking me when I look and think too much about the color interaction.  It’s very interesting to train your eyes to see color different from the  way people normally would see them. Now everywhere I look I think about how colors interact with one another. I don’t just see blue, i see different values of blue and how some blues have more red or yellow than others.  This gets me to think of how color influences people and  the messages it sends out.

I experimented and did more than just 2 pairs for each group.  When i was done I realized about an hour  to an hour and a half passed.

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