This project came to be when NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) came to release a replica of the rover that is on Mars and made it open source so people who are interested in building it or using this as a project can do so. A classroom of 11 students during the Fall 2018 semester in the English 1133  class decided to come up with up a project that would be similar to JPL’s open source. This project would involve the same concept of building a rover but for an affordable price. This project will bring a lot of hands-on learning and a great experience for students who are interested in building things.

“Eng 1133 is designed for students to develop oral and written communication skills that are required of engineering technologists in writing technical reports and in presenting their content orally. In developing writing skills, course work will cover filling out pre-printed report forms, learning the principles of formal and informal report writing and writing both of these types of reports, the documented and researched report, composing letters and writing resumes. In developing speaking skills, course work includes expressing ideas clearly and concisely in oral reports, organizing information and summarizing. This course develops students’ writing and speaking skills through assigned readings and performances in both areas.”

Below are links that show the progress of changes that were made to the website.

If you click here you can see how the website looked before. The following two links are drafts that were made for the website.