Author Archives: Sana

Crystal Orb Alpha Test

mport time
def pageBreak(pageNum):
print (“+++++Page” , pageNum, “+++++++++”)


def blah():
print(“Hey, I’m hungry.”)

pageNum = 1
print (“It is the year 3035, the universe as we know it is crumbling. This universe is compiled of four galaxies.\n\n The earth kingdom, compiled of the Milky Way and all that inhabits. \n\n The air kingdom, which mostly exists in the drift of outer space. \n\n The fire kingdom, inhabiting only the hottest of environments, i.e. The sun or stars. \n\n The ice kingdom, in the glaciers of the Universe. \n\n A young man from the Milky Way, by the name of Leroy, holds the fate of the entire universe and has no idea.\n\n One day Leroy comes to find that he must take a journey to his home planet. The next morning he is approached by an apparition and was told he is the only hope to restore the power to the universe. Leroy is confused of these accusations, because he already is on his home planet. Leroy is soon to discover his true identity. \n\n”)
print (“Leroy is in class, learning about Galaxy History. His teacher is explaining the different planets and the powers of the great warriors from each planet. Leroy Wonders what it would be like to fight as a great warrior.”)
print ( “Leroy, begins training”)
print (“A.)Train with the professor “)
print (“B.)Train by himself”)
print (“C.)Train with group of people in class”)
choice = input(“So, what is your course of action?”)
while (choice != ‘A’ or choice != ‘a’ or choice != ‘B’ or choice != ‘b’ or choice != ‘C’ or choice != ‘c’ or choice != ‘D’ or choice != ‘d’):
if (choice == ‘A’ or choice == ‘a’):
print (“Fails training and powers are unleashed”)
print (” What are we going to do?”)
choice = input(“So, what is your course of action?”)
if (choice == ‘A’ or choice == ‘a’):
print(“As Leroy fails training his powers are unleashed without his control”)
elif (choice == ‘B’ or choice == ‘b’):
print (“Train by himself”)
elif (choice == ‘C’ or choice == ‘c’):
print (“Train with group of people in class”)
choice = input(“Wrong choice try again:”)
print ( “While training with his friends at Golds Gym, one of the boys, jockingly, pushes Leroy into the weight racks. In a moment of anger, Leroys powers are unleashed; resulting in one of Leroys friend being killed. Once realization sets in Leroy knows he must make a decision. “)

pageNum = 3


print (“”)
print ( “After Leroy’s powers leaked…. “)

print (“A.)does he run to his friend Dihaya”)
print (“B.)stay and explain what happened”)
print (“C.)Tries to fight authorities”)
choice = input(“So, what is your course of action?”)
while (choice != “A” or choice != “a” or choice != “B” or choice != “b” or choice != “C” or choice != “c”):
if (choice == “A” or choice == “a”):
print(“Goes to love interest, ‘Dihaya’ for advice, where he is informed of his father.”)
elif (choice == “B” or choice == “b”):
print(“He gets detained and is brought to jail on the Earth planet”)
elif (choice == “C” or choice == “c”):
print (” Leroy tries fighting back at the authotrities, resulting in an altercation ultimately KILLING Leroy.”)
choice = input(“Wrong choice, Try again: “)
print (” Next day…”)