Homework Assignments

Homework One: Relational Database Theory

  1. Normalize data:
    • Normalize data and provide an explanation for your normalization schema
  2. Create and insert using Oracle:
    • Create the tables
    • Insert the data
    • Provide screen shots of commands used
  3. Show structure and data
    • Use Describe command to show the structure of all tables created
    • Use the Select command to show the data of all the tables created
    • Provide screen shots of commands used
  4. Reports:
    • Create three reports using JOINS
    • The reports should reflect a manager/supervisor need related to the data
    • For each report, provide a screenshot showing the SQL used to execute the report AND the data obtained from running the SQL code

Homework Two: Graph Data Stores

  1. Go to The Movie Database Website https://www.themoviedb.org/?language=en-US
  2. Choose a movie that you like – write the name of the movie (ex. Movie A)
  3. The actors
    • Find three major actors in the movie
    • Write their names (ex. Movie A has actors X, Y, Z)
  4. Additional movies
    • Find three major movies in addition to the one you have chosen for each actor
    • Write down the movies (ex. for actor X the three movies are 1,2,3, for actor Y the three movies are 4,5,6 and for actor Z the three movies are 7,8,9)
  5. Additional actors
    • For each of the three movies, for each of the three actors,  write three additional actors that are acting in that movie (ex. Movie 1 has actors C,D,E, Movie 2 has actors F,G,H, Movie 3 has actors I,J,K, Movie 4 has actors L,M,N etc.)
  6. Create nodes
    • For all the actors
    • For all the movies
  7. Create relationships
    • Create relationships between the actors in your first chosen movie that they have acted in (ex actor X has acted in movie A, 1,2,3 and Actor Y has acted in movie A,4,5,6 etc.)
    • Create relationships between the actors in your first chosen movie and their fellow actors (ex actor X has acted with actors C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K and actor Y has acted with actors L,M,N etc)
  8. Query the data you have created
    • What movies has each of the chosen actors played in (ex what movies has X played in etc)
    • Which actors have played with your chosen actors (ex which actors have played alongside X, which actors have played alongside Y etc.)

Homework Three: Document Stores

  1. Create a MongoDB collection of the data
  2. Insert the data in the collection
  3. Show a screenshot of the create and the insert as well as the data
  4. Show the list in ascending order – provide screenshots
  5. Show the list in descending order – provide screenshots
  6. Update a document of your choosing – provide screenshots of the old data, new data and the command used
  7. Delete a document of your choosing – provide screenshots of the old data and the command as well as the message related to the execution of the command
  8. Insert a new document – provide screenshots of the command and the data


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