This project was meant to be a video detailing yourself as a student and artist. In my video I give some insight into the the things I enjoy, and why I design. Some challenges I faced were figuring out how to export the video & make sure quality is retained and in my original aspect ratio. I learned a bit about exporting options in Premiere Pro because of that roadblock. This project was very interesting for me and I hope that you can enjoy what I put together. You can find my video script and link below.



My name is Cameron Scotland

I’m 23 years old

I love video games
And Fashion

Above all, I love simplicity
The simple pleasure of putting on your favorite white tee
Having your favorite drink
Or simply seeing something pleasing to the eye

Behind the most effortless and minimal designs are hours  of extremely thoughtful and precise decisions
That we are then invited to interact with

I design because I want to invite people to see from my perspective

My photography, clothing, and design is my invitation to celebrate simple pleasures through
Clean lines
Bold colors
Playful shapes
and the smallest of details

Nothing has more potential than a blank page
It can become anything you want
To me, design is an opportunity to invite people in
To connect
To think about what a blank page can become
Everything we interact with is designed to bring something to your life