I have a friend from high school who now lives in Florida. We both enjoy music production. We bounce ideas and critique each other. He one time shared a video to me of a famous music producer by the name of !LLMIND. He is a Grammy nominated producer with multi-platinum records with Drake and J.Cole and some others. It was a youtube video on a channel called Mass Appeal. The video was of him picking out three random records from a store and then making a sampled beat out of them. At the end of the video he played the beat through and it sounded amazing. So I became a fan.

A few months later my friend sent me a tweet that !LLMIND had posted looking for a video intern. My friend knew I did video and thought it would be a great opportunity. Before he told me about the tweet I was in a beat competition hosted by a company called iStandard. I performed for the judges who are all successful in the music industry. That one night !LLMIND was there and critiqued my music. I even spoke to him a bit after the show and told him everything I do and was impressed.  So when it came time for me to send and email about the internship I included that information.

I received an email back from A&R of Roseville Music Group named Atlas. We set up an appointment for an interview and I went in. He asked about the kind of work I do and what I’m studying. How do I know !LLMIND? I also showed him my youtube channel and past projects from school. Atlas liked my work and was very impressed when I gave him a business card before I left. There were more people to interview he said, and that he’ll contact me next week.

I was on my way down into the subway when I got the call. He said, “unfortunately, you are going to have to clear space in your schedule; you got the job!” I felt confused at first and said, Oh thank you!