Hello Students!
I hope you enjoyed your “Intro to Paralegal Studies”-class-free day today! THANKS to all of you who posted “where you want to work,” they look great! If you didn’t do that yet, there’s still time! Please do so by the end of TODAY (Tue Feb 11). Here’s the assignment.
Just a reminder, there’s NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Wed Feb 12! Happy birthday President Lincoln! We’ll meet again Thursday Feb. 13. We’ll start with quiz #1 (everything we’ve covered so far), then we’ll be visited by Steve Brinson of the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) who will talk about how you can get legal experience by volunteering with their Small Claims Court Action Center! Then we’ll discuss how to write a resume that you can use to apply for a paralegal position.
Enjoy your day off tomorrow, see you Thursday!