FYLC Annoying Ways!

Question 1:

After reading the source“Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Stedman, he basically saying that how we writers do not really use quotation marks, simply just start writing the quote which makes it seems like copy and paste. And paraphrasing what the author said, don’t define in our own words. Like how Stedman has said on page 253 that “I understand that I couldn’t tell…..I swear I did some research! see? here’s a citation right here!”As this quote is mentioning that  I don’t just suppose to paraphrase it, try to put it in my own words, heave to put it in my own interpretations too, and just putting a quote at the end consider plagiarism.

Question 2:

The article  DECONSTRUCTING RACISM IN AMERICAN SOCIETY–THE ROLE LABOR LAW MIGHT HAVE PLAYED (BUT DID NOT) IN ENDING RACE DISCRIMINATION: A PARTIAL EXPLANATION AND HISTORICAL COMMENTARY by Steven H. Kropp talks about how discrimination was at its peak at the time of the New Deal. Common people were actual victims of that situation. During this new deal program, taxes got so high to be paid. Steven H. Kropp states that “the American labor movement is inescapably linked to intentional racist oppression.231 While this problem is not unique to the United States, the American labor movement notably *398 engaged in an often brutal campaign of racial exclusion from the founding of the American Federation of Labor” and “NIRA codified wage differentials in such a way that even when a Black employee performed more important tasks than a White employee, he would frequently have a lower job classification and hence a lower wage than his White counterpart”.(Deconstructing racism in American society)-These quotes tell us how NIRA was the one act that really differentiates in wages of blacks and white workers for example if blacks did more work than whites. Blacks still certified as lower wages workers and whites would have higher wages than them. That’s how unfair it was at that time. Kropp more said that it’s really sad for us Americans to know that how our history is brutally involved in racism and basically led minorities down. The guideline that I followed from Stedman’s essay is ” Dating Spiderman” because I started with little background information to make it interesting for readers and then used a quote to make my point more valid and gave interpretation about what the quote is talking about. I didn’t just summarize it but stated my opinion too and tried to make it interesting for my readers.

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