Violence on election day

Trump mob bear maces and attempts to start fights with woman, when she tries to present evidence to Police they dismiss her. from PublicFreakout

This is a video showing trump supporters harassing a young woman inciting physical violence with her. When cops are presented evidence of this, they maintain a blasé attitude and refuse to act even when presented with clear evidence of illegal actions. This is inexcusable in a supposedly democratic nation, these caravans of viscous supporters (regardless of party affiliation) is reminiscent of ISIS caravans traversing the middle east. It is rather scary to see this happening in some areas which could discourage people from voting altogether to avoid these types of people. I hope that when this election ends, the heavy polarization of people dies down as well.

1 thought on “Violence on election day

  1. Thanks Theodore! I wasn’t able to access the video but your description is scary enough. I was relieved this morning when I didn’t hear of any violence, now your post and Amatul’s give me an unpleasant slap of reality. I share your hope that there is no more violence.

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