Amy Tan Response

Countless of legal issues can be spotted throughout Amy Tans story “Mother Tongue” But the one that sticks out to me most is when she talks about businesses refusing service and discriminating against her mother. In her story she states, “The fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.” This could have become a law suit if Amy Tan had pleased. She could have sued each businesses for discrimination, as well as the employees for not treating her mother with the proper service and for belittling her by ignoring her. I personally was upset by the way Amy Tans mother was treated. I felt like they had no reason to treat her the way they did, she was still a customer and deserved to be treated just like anyone else regardless of the language barrier. The businesses should’ve put more effort into helping her and giving her assistance.

1 thought on “Amy Tan Response

  1. Yeah. I don’t think a lot of people notice the potential
    consequences that comes with how they treat others since the money and power gets to their head. Especially egotistical people. Good observation, Michelle.

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