Structure of the Courts

This chapter talks about how the court system and constitution works. It basically made up of three ranches which are legislative, executive, and judicial. checks and balances are basically to maintain equal power so one won’t get too powerful on another.   between these three branches and   Mostly federal government as more always and after having major powers whatever left goes to the state government and state government actually has to obey what federal desires them to do. There are three types of the court system which include trail(local), intermediate appellate, and the highest appellate court, which defines locally, state, and then federal level courts. The New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in the US state of New York. The Court of Appeals consists of seven judges. I have some questions that, in New York City can one county retaking someone’s case from a different county? and what is appellate division? As I was reading I came across that the country has 13 circuits in which one of them covers federal, how about the other 12?

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