Discussion of Assignment #3 (Part A or B)

Discussion of Assignment #3

Choose which Assignment #3 you are going to do: Part A on the media and news values or Part B on memes.

Begin the first part of your selected assignment by choosing a news site or meme to analyze. Respond to this discussion with a comment indicating which assignment you have chosen, which news site or meme (provide a link), and what interests you about this selection. A short paragraph will do.

The response is worth 10 points.

9 thoughts on “Discussion of Assignment #3 (Part A or B)”

  1. For assignment 3 I have chosen to do 3B an analysis on a meme. The meme that I will be focusing on is “Trump signs an executive order”. In the original meme he is showing off him signing his first executive order. Since then many remixes of it have been made. Examples of this meme can be found on this site: https://time.com/4655165/donald-trump-meme-gifs-executive-orders/. I think this will be an interesting meme to analyze because it speaks volumes on what many people think about Trump being President. Also, this meme shows a deeper meaning about the work that he is doing as the President. I think that this meme and the remakes are a good representation of this.

  2. I have chosen assignment 3A, an analysis of News values and consent. The news site I have chosen is The New York Times Newspaper, the link to this news site can be found at https://www.nytimes.com I chose this news site because I think it will be very interesting to analyze the Manufacture Consent on how the mass media functions in both economic and ideological terms.

  3. I’ve chosen to do assignment 3b, I picked this part because memes will be an exciting topic to analyze. I will be doing my meme’s on this famous Obama meme. The memes are found on https://www.pinterest.com/bladerchick80/obama-meme/. the meme is somewhat iconic and there are different variations of it. Obama is an iconic figure in American history. Obama has always been an inspiration to me, and many. The memes are very funny to read so it’ll be fun commenting and giving my thoughts on them.

  4. For assignment number 3 I have chosen to do 3A an analysis of news values and content. I chose the newspaper New York Post. I chose this newspaper because its popular and viewing it online it demonstrated to me the ability for me to analyze its ideological nature within its articles. The articles I have selected are related to Covid-19. I chose these articles because it is to my interest to learn more about what is going on with this virus. I also chose this topic because it is a pandemic that has affected us all in one way or another.

  5. For this assignment I have decided to do 3b. I decided to go with the meme option because I think in today’s society memes have played a crucial role in how society functions. The meme that I have chose was the “hide the pain Harold” meme. When I first saw this meme, I remember seeing so many different versions of the meme. What interested me the most about this meme was that so many of them were relatable. The link for the meme can be found here https://cheezburger.com/6809861/14-excellent-throwback-memes-from-hide-the-pain-harold.

  6. For assignment 3 I have chosen to do part A, an analysis of a news source. I will be focusing on Buzzfeed News, which can be found here: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/. It’s almost common knowledge not to rely on this news site, but I’d like to research why and how they choose their topics to write about. What are their sources and who is their intended audience.

  7. I will be choosing assignment 3b. I have always grew up with memes, and have made up alot of my humor up to this point from high school. I will be looking at the “mocking spongebob” meme here: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mocking-spongebob. This meme is an old meme, and has found to be a versatile meme. There have been multiple ways to use this meme and has been used to discuss many different topics in many communities ranging from politics to video games.

  8. Md Faris Noor

    For assignment 3 I have decided to do assignment 3A (News Values and Consent) and the news outlet that I have chosen is CBS NEWS. I have chosen this selection because the concept of the news values interests me. The reason they interest me is because there is a list of them with clear definitions. Additionally, almost anything related to news is in itself interesting, especially in tumultuous times like these.

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