A wide set of computational techniques is currently used in Theoretical Particle Physics, whose aim is to study the interactions among the fundamental constituents of matter and in particular to reproduce and explain, by means of theoretical models, the outcome of the collider experiments in terms of particle cross sections and
differential distributions. Examples of computation applications range from algebraic
manipulations to techniques for the solution of differential equations, data analyses, and in particular Monte Carlo applications for the integration of the complex phase-space produced by the dynamics of particle collisions.
The research of Prof. Ferroglia and Prof. Ossola focuses on developing and employing computational techniques for an efficient evaluation of scattering amplitudes in perturbation theory, which are a necessary ingredient for the theoretical computation of cross sections at colliders. These techniques are applied to several processes of
interest in collider physics, in particular processes involving the production of top-quarks and other massive particles. This research relies heavily on advanced computing, including computer algebra, numerical solution of large systems of linear equations, and Monte Carlo integration over phase-space.