Final Project Breif

Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover

(1)The general audience is overall for all people
(2)Still life and models can be used with this idea
(3)Mood will contain a mix of everything
(4)Literally have something clean, standard, and average as a model, or still life be in the shoot
(5)I dont know who are my models
(6)Objects would include 2 things. One which would have to be fresh, good looking on the outside, but when deep into the core, rotten. Apple. Maybe a teddy bear.
(7)One half of the photo would be bright and warm, whereas the other half of the photo would be dark and cold.
(8)Half and Half. Good side, Shallow. Bad side, Deep.

Image Two


Show the fresh wonder outer parts of the apple.
Then show the inner rotten parts.


Not so good looking apple on the outside.
Inside clean and bright apple.

Image Two

Teddy Bear

Cute and normal teddy bear.
But disgusting stuffings leak out.

Not to sure of ver2 for Image2


One thought on “Final Project Breif

  1. rmichals

    I would strongly suggest that instead of using a cliche as the basis for your project that you pick an article that will show the complexity of your thinking. The assignment asks you to pick a text for a reason. Don’t just reproduce stereotypes. It won’t add depth to your portfolio.

    You are a strong photographer so I know you can make whatever you pick look interesting but don’t settle for eye candy.


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