Human Trafficking In Our Own Backyards

Summary: This article talks about sex trafficking, an issue that we associate as a global problem. Many of us not being aware, that it is literally still happening in our community. We are not aware who is part of it, but this hidden reality has taken almost 300,000 women, children, and even men for sexual purposes in our country. The article discusses signs you can tell if someone may be a victim and many of subjects have suffered from anxiety disorder and sexual diseases.

Communication Problem The idea is to demonstrate recognition that this global issue is happening in our very own neighborhoods.

Image Ideas: For my image idea I would be working a lot with models being tied  or taken and possibly with there eyes closed. I want to show the facial expression of desperation and some sort of internal/emotional pain. The shots would be medium and close up. While the lighting would be focused on the model’s face or hands. There will be a lot of shadows on certain areas of the model, to display the darkness of this unfortunate position.


One thought on “Human Trafficking In Our Own Backyards

  1. rmichals

    It might be best to focus on hands as the right facial expression would require some really good acting and probably make up. the article talk about a “beaten up” body and emaciation. hard to reproduce with our classmates’s healthy faces.


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