Topic four: Headphones and hearing loss ad

Headphone Ad

Before Photo shoot:
For the second headphone ad that we are doing, we are Advertising the headphone company. There are a lot of big music companies that make headphones, so depending on which headphone I will use will also decide the feel for the color and tone of the advertisement.

Communication problem: How do you show a good headphone ad without blowing up the logo all over the page? Also avoiding copying the styles of the headphone company.

After Photo shoot:
I ended up using the Turtle beach headphones for my advertisement, by using a classmate of mine as a model it came out rather well. The color scheme was black and green which is the same color of the headphones. With the logo of the brand in the corner it is a simple but effective way of showing their target demographic and a good ad overall.

Hearing loss Ad

Before Photo shoot:
As a big time headphone user this article really opened my ears to final understand that playing loud music can diminish your hearing by more than half by the time you reach 40. So this gave me opportunity to use my class mates to show the severity of headphone users. The main color idea i have in mind is for it to be dark and serious.

Communication problem: How do you show sound if you can see it? Describing something you can’t even see or understand how serious it is for people with such difficulty can be tough.

After Photo shoot:
My final photo followed my main idea of having a serious tone with a dark color scheme. My classmate is holding the headphone as if he is about to take them off. The color is primarily dark because of the black background. The text accompanying the ad helps give more understanding on the image and it works well since it give its own description. Overall this was a good ad and big ear opener.

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