• The advertising image is frank, or at least emphatic
  • Three Massage of Panzani advertisements
    • linguistic: It’s the title, margin, and tag that are inserted into the natural configuration of the scene. It gives the viewer a better idea of what the ad means.
      • The linguistic message in this Panzani advertisement may be the label on Panzani products. Because Roland Barthes mentions that the word ‘Panzani’ connotes italianicity in his article.
    • The Iconic message Some symbols, or some icons are engraved in our minds
    • The third piece of information is made up of real objects in the ad. The composition of these things is not random, their placement and composition are meaningful.
  • There are four signs for this advertising.
  • The color scheme of the ad is also very consistent or representative of Italy, because it has red and green color schemes, just like the Italian flag.