AJones – Step 1 Discover

Step 1 – Discover

The soap section is positioned horizontally (like many located in grocery store settings). The bars are vertically facing and piled up to simulate a wall of sorts. Some bars are stacked haphazardly in spaces that weren’t made for them, resulting in a sloppy, cheap look.

The brand “Dove” stands out in a very soft, understated way. It’s pink (typical Dove bar is pictured next to it in characteristic blue). The pink color theme helps it to stand out from the competitors. You’ll see that “Zest” really blends into the “soap scenario”. The packaging is blue (or a variation thereof) and is immediately (like Dove) recognizable from a distance.

In terms of recyclability, reusability, sustainability, and biodegradability nothing could be gleaned from these products except that none of these concerns was evident in the obvious packaging.

Upon further research, it was found that there was very little information from Zest regarding sustainable packaging, however they position themselves as the “sustainable choice” based on the following factors:

  • It uses less plastic compared to body wash
  • It uses les energy to manufacture than body wash
  • It uses less water than body wash

There are more, but all of them share one common characteristic: Zest bar soap positions itself as an environmentally desirable alternative to body wash (exclusively), but NOT against other bar soaps.

1 thought on “AJones – Step 1 Discover

  1. joseph asimeng

    All of this is pretty great info. The reason being is the fact that you were compile all that data from one picture is pretty mindblowing to me. i don’t think i can do MUCH of that. i also found interesting that “The soap section is positioned horizontally (like many located in grocery store settings). The bars are vertically facing and piled up to simulate a wall of sorts. Some bars are stacked haphazardly in spaces that weren’t made for them, resulting in a sloppy, cheap look.” maybe it could because they don’t care about setting it up nicely. i don’t even know if they were in a rush but still.


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