The photograph chosen is in a category called “Q Train Drag Show” and it’s by photographer Alex Webster (they/them). This photo shows a drag queen performing on a Q train with multiple people smiling, recording, and enjoying her performance. This photo captures a drag queen having a performance with other drag queens for the subway riders on the Q train. This drag is seen doing a death drop move while using the pole. Webster captured this move which is usually an ending pose in drag performances and you can see the look on everyone’s face being excited and having their phones out to record the moment. This is something that doesn’t happen often and was most likely cool for subway riders to see happen if they have not seen a drag performance before. Webster can be telling and showing the audience how accepting and free New York City is. You can have a drag show performance on the train stations and everyone can be loving and accepting. Webster is showing the talent drag queens have, these performances are drag queens jobs, and showcasing their art, talent, and performing can help them out. I feel happy looking at the photograph, it makes me happy seeing how accepting strangers can be on the subway for something that usually gets shamed on. I love this image because I think it’s important to show the loving and safe space of the community.
The first formal element I noticed was a frame within a frame. The subway riders are surrounding the drag queen almost in a semicircle creating a frame around her. Using this technique leads to seeing what’s in the middle and what is the most important subject of the photo, in this case, it’s the drag queen. The second formal element I noticed was leading lines. The way the drag queen is laying back and the body is a straight line down to the subway riders. My eyes go straight to the drag queen and it leads right up to what is behind her, again Webster is showing us how much drag show performances can be. The last formal element this photo shows is symmetry. The photographer used the drag queen to be the main subject of the photo and had the camera take a photo where the drag queen was right in the center and on both sides you can see the subway riders filled up equally on both sides creating a symmetrical look overall. Again this feeling can make your eyes focus on the center subject, and we will know that is the main focus of the photograph.
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