4 pts. Due Feb 15 at 12 noon.

Select one photo that you love from one of the following photographer’s websites:

Malin Fezehai


Christopher Gregory-Rivera


Alex Webster


Once you have selected a photograph, write a 300-word post on OpenLab about the photograph. 

1. Identify the photograph with the name of the photographer, the title of the photograph if there is one and a link to the image. Write a description of the subject matter and location. Then identify what the photographer is trying to say in the photograph. What is the purpose of the image? How do you feel when you look at the photograph? Why do you love the image?
2. Select three of the formal elements we discussed in class that are most important in the photo that you selected. (Rule of thirds, diagonal lines, leading lines, patterns, symmetry, figure to ground, contrast of light and dark, a frame within a frame.) Write a second paragraph describing the photographer’s use of those three compositional principles and how that composition carries the message or feeling of the photograph. 

Category: Student posts>HW1-Composition