Rembrandt Light Broad Light Split Light Short Light
I like this exercise, however, The Rembrandt Light was difficult for me to focus the light on my face. The easiest light was the split light.
Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL89 | FAll 2020
I like this exercise, however, The Rembrandt Light was difficult for me to focus the light on my face. The easiest light was the split light.
COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL 89
Tuesday 8am – 11:20am
Professor Michals
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Your split light and broad light examples are really good.
To get a better version of Rembrandt light turn towards the window. Not so much that you are directly face it but so that if your shoulders could be said to make a line it would be at 45 degrees fro the window. the camera has to move so that you are directly facing it.
Short light is the opposite of broad light. Your example is fine but would be even better if you turned towards the window a little more.