Category Archives: Student Work

window light portraits-


Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 2 Comments

Week 9 Window Light Portrait Profile Silhouette

My attempt on a silhouette

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 1 Comment

Week 9 Window Light Portraits Lighting Styles

Rembrandt lighting with the triangle on the cheek. Short light. Split Light. My attempt on broad light.

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 1 Comment

Front light Manuel Razuri April 17, 2020

Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Front Light | 1 Comment

Week 9 Window Light Front Light

My sister helped me out. The left one is closest to the window and the right one is further from the window.

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Front Light | 1 Comment

Window Light Silhouette

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 1 Comment

Rembrandt, Broad, Short and Split,Light Manuel Razuri April 17 ,2020

Rembrandt light                                    Rembrandt Short Rembrandt Split light                               Rembrandt Broadlight

Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 1 Comment

window light silhouette

Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 1 Comment

Window Portraits – Front Light

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Front Light | 1 Comment

Silhouette Window portrait

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 1 Comment