Category Archives: Student Work

Window Light Portraits – Rembrandt, Broad, Short and Split Light


Posted in Uncategorized, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 1 Comment

Window Light Silhouette Manuel Razuri April 17 2020

Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 1 Comment

window light portraits- Rembrandt, Boad, Short and split light.

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Ashley Lopez

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 2 Comments

Ashley Lopez

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 1 Comment

window protraits- front light

I noticed that the background in the both pictures are different in lighting. the close i am to the window the bright I become the darker the background

Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Front Light | 1 Comment

Ashley Lopez

Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 3 Comments

Lighting styles Ibrahima


Posted in Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles | 1 Comment

Dorothea Lange – Clemson Brown

From my understanding of the image that is being presented, the image makes me feel claustrophobic. The image seems to elevate this idea of feeling like you’re surrounded by those that you don’t understand or know, therefore you feel lonely … Continue reading

Posted in HW6-Dorothea Lange, Student Work | 1 Comment

Lighting Styles – Clemson Brown

Posted in Student Work, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Lighting Styles, Week 9 - Window Light Portraits - Profile Silhouette | 1 Comment