Class Info
- Class Date: Tues. Oct. 6
- Class Time: 8:30AM-10:00AM
- Class Meeting Zoom
Meeting ID: 645 946 8086
- Review content of book for submission and presentation due next class
- Design Continuity (uniformity of headings, margins, color, etc)
- Packaging a file

Example of a completed book
Pages to include: 15 Pages Total including the cover
Project 1: Type Book COVER
Project 1: Type Book_02a – Anatomy of Letterform Diagram with labels for parts of each letter.
Project 1: TypeBook_03 – 5 found type five photos Anatomy of Letterforms
Project 1: TypeBook_04 – Kerning and Tracking
Project 1: TypeBook_04a – Variations
Project 1: TypeBook_05a Leading
Project 1: TypeBook_05b Alignment (Two Pages)
Project 1: TypeBook_05c Classification of Type Styles Alignment Typesetting (Five Pages)
Poject 1: TypeBook_06a – Drop cap (Two Pages)
Project 1: TypeBook_06 Type on a path
- Make sure all elements above (assignments) of book are included
- Understanding design uniformity and continuity throughout a multiple page publication such as a book (for example: keeping headings the same)
- Type Talk Activity – Found Alphabet
- Cover Design Challenge
To-Do After Class
Type Talk Books are due NEXT class.
submit file TWO WAYS
- Submitted via Dropbox class drive
Package your Indesign file
Upload folder of packaged’ file of your InDesign Named ‘lastname firstnname_Typebook’ into: Dropbox - google drive if you have problem
- Create a post on OpenLab named lastname firstnname_Typebook
Categories “Student work” and Project 1
Upload a PDF version of your Type Book named lastname firstnname_Typebook