Tag Archives: Activity Guide

Name That Type Discussion Activity Guide


Live  Game  Show and Discussion about Typography

Students will comment in live synchronous class discussions to try and identify or answer questions related to posted in class content. This is part of  class participation grade.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current work examples in typographic industry.
  • Students will develop  type identifications skills
  • Students will develop an awareness of typography history general typographic knowledge

Type Challenge Activity Guide


Type Challenges are design assignments and discussions completed with time constraints during class or as specified.

Can also be assigned as homework assignments.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current work examples in typographic industry.
  • Students will develop a sense of current typography trends and be able to discus them with relevant terminology

Due Date(s)

  • Due during class sessions or by  class meeting time as indicated.


Type Hero Activity Activity Guide


  • A post to the OpenLab name Lastnamefirstname_Type Hero.
  • Insert your document  (PDF) or link to your presentation into your post
  • Give it categories “Student Post Type Hero” “Type Hero”

Presentation of Designers

Over the course of the semester each of you will be asked to create a 5 minute presentation on one of the assigned designers listed below.
Presentations should be visual and of the designer’s work.
You should show 8 to 10 selections of the designer’s most noted work.

  • You must  provide a 2-3 paragraph summary of the designer’s background, career highlights, and most noteworthy work.
    Keep a careful record of all the sources you use for this
    presentation, include bibliography of references
  • You will be required present your work in a class session. You can create a PowerPoint presentation, you can use websites, collect a series of images in a folder and present their work from the folder.
  • Whichever way you decide to show their work, your presentation should be organized and demonstrate thorough research on your part, and you should be able to talk about the pieces you show

  • Week 5
    Johann Gutenberg
    Nicolas Jenson
  • Week 6
    Aldus Manutius
    Cipe Pineles
  • Week 7
    Louise Fili
    Giambattista Bodoni
  • Week 8
    Zuzana Licko
    Fortunato Depero
  • Week 9
    Paula Scher
    Jan Tschichold
  • Week 10
    Massimo Vignelli 
    Gail Anderson
  • Week 11
    Susan Kare
    John Baskerville
  • Week 12
    Carol Twombly
    Saul Bass
  • Week 13
    Rosmarie Tissi
    Adrian Frutiger