Now that you know everything about color let’s have a quick look at the questions.
1. What is Color?
Color is part physics and part human perception.
Color is a property of light, without light there’s no color. Think of all light as a mixture of colors, like when light is going through a prism and splits or refracts into a spectrum of colors.
The light wavelength determines how much it will refract and what color it will be. Each color has a different wavelength, bluer light has a shorter wavelength and bends more, redder light a longer wavelength and bends less.
2. What is the the color mixing method for the CMYK color model?
The subtractive color system involves colorants and reflected light. Subtractive color starts with an object (Often a substrate such as paper or canvas) that reflects white light and uses colorants (such as inks, dyes or paint) to subtract portions of the white light reflecting from an object to produce other colors.
If an object reflects all the white light back to the viewer, it appears white. If an object absorbs (subtracts) all the light reflecting from the surface, it appears black.
3. ___________ colors are the primary elements that make up white light. They are called as such because you must add the colors together to create white. They are Red, Green, and Blue (commonly called RGB).
Additive Colors also known as RGB color, are created by mixing different amounts of light colors, primarily red, green, and blue (the primary colors of the visible light spectrum).
Mixing different amounts of red, green, and blue produces three secondary colors: yellow, cyan, and magenta β the primary colors of the subtractive color mode.
4. The colors Red and Green are:
Do you remember the color wheel? Conventional color wisdom has it that colors that lie opposite to one another on the wheelβor complementary colorsβare especially pleasing together.
5. The subtractive color inks are absorbing light reflected from a support such as …………..
6. 100 C + 100 M + 100 Y = black
- CMY (K) > C+M+Y = Black (ink on a surface)
7. 255 R + 255 G + 255 B = white
- RGB > R+G+B = White (light through a screen)
8. The many color variations are created through the combination of 3 color elements known as:
Hue = basically just an other word for color
Saturation = it’s the intensity, does the color appear more subtle or more vibrant
Value = has to do how light or how dark the color is.
Think about the Hue/Saturation window in Photoshop.
9. What is the best way to print a color photograph on paper?
10. You have to create a brand identity for a swimwear company and decided to use the PMS Blue 2726C for a beach mood. You will have to adapt your design on all these supports:
1. on a street sign for outside of the stores.
2. on a T-shirt that the employees will be wearing.
3. on a promotional brochure.
4. on the homepage of the online shop.
When you will be checking if the blue matches on all the supports, your client and you will be able to see the same color on each support and agree on everything.
It’s really hard to agree on colors because we each see them differently. That’s why we use color classifications such as Pantone.
11. Why do graphic designers get often frustrated when they see their work published?
Wew! It’s difficult to be satisfied with the work we do on a computer once it’s printed because of the color interpretation. The printed version rarely looks how we imagined it in our mind.
12. Which color format will you use for a street sign and a T-shirt?
PMS or spot color, because each color is an individual ink, therefor each color is designated.
13. Which color format will you use for a printed brochure and a promotional postcard using photographs?
14. Which color format will you use for a website and marketing emails?
15. Which color format will you use for a screen-printing sticker and a temporary tattoo?
16. When to use PMS also called Spot Colors vs. Process Colors?
- The tote used for marketing needs a precise color matching of the logo color.
- You’re printing one color logo over various supports that require consistency.
- You need more vibrant colors on a mug.
- The hat cap requires illustrations in metallic or fluorescent inks.
17. In WordPress, what is the difference between a post and a page?
A post is in a blog format with the date it was published for example and lives only on your homepage.
A page has more design flexibility and can live in different locations located on the menu or submenu.
18. Write a couple of sentences about what interested you the most during our discussions on color? How will you be using what you have learnt in your creative work?
19. Which software did I use to create the film that was projected during the Pollinator concert?
Adobe Premiere Pro
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