If you are enrolled in or thinking of enrolling in Spring 2022 COMD 4900, you should be applying to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They are paid internships, 20 hour per week and offer both remote and onsite internships.

The first step in obtaining a Brooklyn Navy Internship for Spring 2022 is to fill out the interest form at:  https://airtable.com/shrCQjC5QEDm5pT0W

Once you fill out the interest form, they will send you an application. To learn more about the internship opportunities at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, please watch the recording of today’s internship information session by Edwin Rivera, Program Manager of Workforce Development at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Mr. Rivera also discusses the Summer Internship program at the Navy Yard as well in this recording. Summer Interest Form is at think link: https://airtable.com/shre6fXk5RUR5E11z

Please see the COMD internship Coordination Site for the link to the recording of last’s internship information session with Mr. Rivera.