A City Tech OpenLab Course Site


Topic – Schools are killing curiosity.

Know – What I know about that topic is that schools are usually in a certain order from different schedules that must be followed. Students in that school are supposed to follow all directions and rules implemented to further “enhance” your education. I also know that since all schools are limited to similar topics such as Algebra or History it might neglect any form of curiosity. What if the student does not enjoy the subject? They would force themselves to pay attention to whatever information they would need to jot down on their notes or mind about somethings they were not invested in.

Want – I would like schools to promote people’s curiosity on certain topics such as their interests or career goals for their future. I want to know why schools sometimes feel like a mental prison as everyone must follow such established rules rather than express your freedom of curiosity.

/- https://www.thersa.org/blog/2018/04/do-schools-kill-creativity. Although some schools do promote creativity especially the topics students are interested in it still limits student’s potential creativity to think on a wider scale.

Learned – What I learned from my research was that the top schools are usually mission-led meaning that specific subjects require a student’s full undivided attention knowing exactly what it is and what it sounds like. It almost gives the student no creativity as top schools demand such mental requirements on any subject to be the best at what it is.

Still Want To Know – I want to know why can’t all schools promote student’s potential in curiosity about what they want to learn about like how the world works in a work environment or their careers. How can schools please everyone to teach students their educational needs while expressing their curiosity?

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    OK, Isaac, this is an excellent response to the KW/L+ assignment.

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